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The same day:

"Sunghoon Hyung!" Ni-ki squeals as he runs to his hyung engulfing him in a hug.

"hello Ni-ki san,it's been just been two weeks why do I feel like I'm seeing you after years huh?" Sunghoon notices the obvious change in Ni-ki's outfits, they are costly and he looks like he gained some weight which is really good. even dyed his hair.

"Why are you smiling Hyung?" Ni-ki looks at the menu and glances at Sunghoon when he dosen't answer his question.

"Hyung?" Ni-ki asks again voice seemingly concerned.

"ah nothing, it's just I'm really happy for you.you look good." Sunghoon smiles at the younger one, only to get another big hug again.

"Hyung I miss you, even if I'm happy I always keep missing you.can't you come stay with me? my dad says he'll be happy to have you!" Ni-ki pouts a little trying his best to convince his stubborn Hyung.

"we already spoke about this Ni-ki, I appreciate your dad for allowing it but I really can't accept it you know." Sunghoon said as he walked to the table with Ni-ki and told him to sit and wait.

"Sunghoon just serve table number 9 and then I'll give you a 30 minute break okay?! I don't pay you for chatting with the customers!"The boss yelled.

"sorry about that!" He replied and went ahead with work passing Ni-ki a smile.

Ni-ki on the other hand had to supress the urge to punch the man right at face for speaking to his Hyung that way.I don't understand why he's enduring all this.

Sunghoon takes the order from the counter and makes his way to table 9.table 9 there it is.

 He puts the drinks and two pastries on the table and bows a little and was about to leave but the customer spoke up.

"can't even pass your customer a smile huh?" a very familiar voice speaks causing Sunghoon to widen his eyes a little. Jake sim?what the fuck?! he's a customer Sunghoon,calm..calm..

"I'm sorry about that, please enjoy your drink." He smiles at Jake and leaves for his break.

Jake genuinly smiles about the fact that he met Sunghoon here.He meets so many familiar people at public places each day but, this somehow felt different. He didn't fail to notice the name on the apron. Park Sunghoon.

Sunghoon finally returns to Ni-ki after his encounter with The Jake Sim. 

"Hey hyung? you knew that guy at table 9?" Ni-ki asks curiously as he noticed the guy smiling at his Hyung after he left.

"Oh,not really.he's in the extra class I take.also,remember I told you I witnessed a breakup yesterday?" Sunghoon sits down opposite to Ni-ki.

Ni-ki nods curiously.

"It was him,he broke up with his Boyfriend because he slept with a stripper." Sunghoon felt a little guilty after telling Ni-ki about Jake. I feel like I'm gossiping.

Ni-ki noticed the frown on Sunghoon's face and immediately understood the reason behind it.

"Hyung it's okay.you are not spreading rumors or anything, it's just me.I won't go around telling people you know it." He assures his hyung and takes a bite of the strawberry on top of the pastry.

"yeah I know it Ni-ki,wait tell me about this little crush of yours." Sunghoon smirks at the younger boy who started blushing just by the mention of the word 'crush'.

"Ok so there's this Guy,he looks like a cute fox.He's so bubbly and cute that I just want to keep clinging on to him.he even invited me to his house to have dinner with him Hyung!" Ni-ki says in one single breath and looks up to see Sunghoon smirking at him and gets shy,so he sips on his coffee.

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