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Another morning.another Monday.Sunghoon almost didn't want to get out of bed and go to university but he reminded himself that he has to toughen up because he's the only one he can rely on right now.

"Ok you can do this Park Sunghoon,Let's get this day over with." He talks to himself and finishes his morning routine.

He suddenly remembers the phone call with Leina the other day.Will my parents actually contact me?

The moment he thought about the possibility of this happenning,his heart completely dropped.Whatever,fuck it.

Shrugging the thought that was disturbing him,he made his way out of his little house and went to catch the bus for university,

completely oblivious of the fact that someone was observing him form afar.


Jake was angry.

"Sorry kid,chocolate milkshake is sold out."

He could hear Jay giggling from their seat in the cafeteria and Heeseung trying to hold in his laughter. 

"I told you,it wasn't easy to get that. can you believe he came an hour early for that!" Jay was still giggling.

"Fuck you Jay don't insult my favourite Milkshake! It's worth the risks." Jake pouted even if he knew it was a silly thing.He loved that milkshake more than ever.

"You can just take a coffee or something?" Heeseung advised.

"Hell no!" I really wanted to have it today.

"Fine,suit yourself." Jay said finally pulling on his usual serious expression.

Jake dropped his head a little upset over not getting his fav milkshake but looked up when he heard a soft thud on the table.a bottle of chocolate milkshake and..


"Look I'm sorry for yesterday,Here.I don't have anything else,I hope this does for an apology-"

"It's more than enough,trust me." Jake smiled super brightly when Sunghoon gave him the chocolate milkshake he was in need of right now.

"Jake?" Heeseung looked at Sunghoon and then at Jake.

"Oh yeah,Sunghoon,this is Heeseung and that's Jay and guys this is Park Sunghoon,the one that you were supposed to meet yesterday." Jake makes the intoductions.

"Oh so you were the one that stood him up huh Pretty boy?we meet again." Jay says eyeing Sunghoon from head to toe only to recieve a kick from under the table by Jake.

"I'm sorry about that." Sunghoon tries to smile at Jay but the later was straight up glaring at him.

"I'm Lee Heeseung,nice to meet you!" Heeseung smiles and Sunghoon smiled back as well.

"You have a nice smile seonbae."Sunghoon compliments which catches Jake offguard.He never said that to me tho-

"Sunghoon why don't you sit with us?" Heeseung offered and Jake couldn't agree more as he pulled the chair beside him.

"Thanks." Sunghoon mumbles as he takes a seat beside Jake.

"So,I have a nice smile huh?" Heeseung brings his face a little closer to the youngest for a sec and smiles which kinda annoyed Jake.Isn't he dating someone.the audacity-

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