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Do you feel uncomfortable when looking into the sun? Of course. It dazzles you and you look away immediately.

But even more uncomfortable is what happened to me just now: sitting in the cafeteria in peace, reading a book in silence and being interrupted by a bunch of stupid girls screaming. Seeing them is exactly what dazzled me because it's the same sight over and over again. I've had enough.

These girls weren't interested in me at all. Quite the opposite, actually.
No, it was because of the new boy who joined our school two days before. His name was Tanner and he got the attention of the whole female population going to this school — except for me, hehe.

That's not because I didn't like him. He was a nice guy and every time he wasn't surrounded by groups of screaming girls, he came to me. Probably because I was the only one who talked to him like someone normal, since the other boys were upset with him. All their girlfriends broke up because they hoped for a relationship with him instead.

And, yeah, you already know what the girls are like. I felt like they even started hating me because I got along with their dream boyfriend, even though it wasn't even my fault.
I think you all understand why I wasn't too happy about their arrival at the place where I was sitting g at.

When they came to my table, one of them sat next to me. "Sweetie, that's our table. Can you please stand up and move away?"
"Why would I?" I replied without looking up of my book.

"Because I asked you in a friendly way. And because we sit here every time in lunch break" she answered and I saw the anger in her eyes.
I rolled my eyes. "But I sat here before. And there are many other tables in this room."
The girl took my book and gave it to one of her friends. "You don't wanna mess with me."

"Give me my book" I said.
She did nothing, so I stood up and took it from her friend. "What's wrong with you? When did y'all become so toxic?"

"You're the only one toxic here" the girl shouted angrily and sat down.
I just held back from slapping her. "Say that again to my face."
The girl stood up again and her face came closer. "Do you think I said it to your butt at first?" She laughed like a witch. "Now go away! And don't forget: Tanner belongs to us, not to you."

When walking away, I smirked. So that was the reason. They were jealous little rats. At least I had the proof for my theory and knew that it was highly dangerous to talk to them again, so I decided to go outside — I needed some fresh air after this silly conversation.


I found a quiet place next to the football field. I knew that the football training of our school started later, so I sat down and started reading again.

Until someone else decided to disturb me.
"Hey girlie."

I immediately sat up und looked around. Then my heart skipped a beat and I looked into Tanner's green eyes. He was literally standing right in front of me.
"I don't know your name yet, but you're the only normal person here, so yeah."

"I am Furina." I cleared my throat. "How did you know I was here?"
He chuckled. "I just have to find a quiet place that's perfect to read."
"You're right" I answered. I just didn't know what to say else. "But why are you here?"

Tanner seemed to grow an inch as he looked at me proudly. "I joined your sports club."
"So that means you're interested in volleyball as well?" I asked with my eyes glowing.
Tanner chuckled again. "No. But I'm interested in spending time with people who do not either want to marry me or try to kill me. And you seem to be the only one who's normal here."

My face turned a little red when I replied. "These girls might have a reason for their behavior."
"Is that a compliment?" Tanner asked and smiled like he was flirting.
I turned around and grabbed my book. "Well, yes. But don't get into it, I'm not interested."
Now it was his face that turned red. "Me... neither."
I smiled at him. "See ya at the sports club!"

As I was about to go, he suddenly grabbed my hand and looked at me seriously. "So you're NOT interested in me, are you?"
"Oh, believe me" I said. "you don't want me to fall in love with anyone. It always ends up being an absolute disaster."

Then I pulled my hand away and wanted to move again, but Tanner wouldn't let me go. "What do you mean, an absolute disaster?"
"You don't wanna know" I responded without looking at him.
"Well, if that was true, I wouldn't have asked" Tanner answered while walking next to me. "Is it that bad?"
I sighed. "It is."

In fact, I didn't overestimate it. My last boyfriend had lost a bet and the one before him ended up being gay.
I've had enough of telling these "funny" stories that actually just made me feel lonely.


When the class started, I went on the volleyball field and waited for someone else to join me. The trainer told me that I'd have to stay with Tanner to help him a little bit. He seemed happy about me being his partner. I agreed to playing with him, although I was a little pissed.

There were some girls in the sports club and they weren't happy about me teaming up with their crush, so they'd annoy me again and tell me to stay away from their "future husband".

But then, I got an idea. What if I made Tanner look like a complete idiot while training? Everyone knew that I was the best volleyball player in the whole school, so if he dared to challenge me, I'd make him look like a unsportsmanlike fool in front of all the admirers. Maybe he'd get some peace?

After practicing a while, I found out that Tanner was actually tough. I forced him to do fifty push-ups with me as a "quick warm-up" but he was totally okay with it. He wasn't even sweating or seemed tired.

"Did you play volleyball yet?" I asked him, just to make sure if he was a serious contender.
He nodded. "Of course."
"So you know that a volleyball player needs a lot of stamina?" I leaned forward and mustered him. "Are you sure you want to play against me?"

"Yeah, duh." He came closer with his face and I immediately turned back. "But I don't know if we'll even get to play or I'll make you fall in love with me before."
I felt anger in my stomach, but I pushed it aside and took a volleyball. "We'll see about that."

So we met on the field. I had to concentrate on the ball and the match, so I didn't even look at him. That jerk was gonna ruin everything.
Everyone was watching us play and I felt good about it. My plan was working!

It was. Tanner sucked at the game and I won easily. The girls were disappointed, at least that's what I hoped.

After the match, I met Tanner outside.
"Did you do that on purpose, Furina?" he asked me.
I scoffed. "Well, of course. I just wanted you to look like an idiot so the girls would get away from you."
"Do smell jealousy here?" He smirked.
I turned around and looked at him seriously. "If that's so, you have a pretty bad smell. Unless you're talking about your admirers."

"Why would they be jealous?" he asked.
"Because they are obviously in love with you and they can't handle it."
Tanner laughed. "I'm pretty sure they're just bored and think I'm the only boy at their school."
"Sounds like you're used to things like that" I replied and turned around. "Now, if you excuse me. I'm late for a date."

"Date?", he asked and ran after me. "How can you go on dates after meeting me?"
I chuckled. "You're getting too much attention."
Then I turned around again so he couldn't see the devilish smile on my face. "And no, Im gonna meet up with my bestie. Also, before you ask, Im not lesbian."
"Then why didn't you say 'date'?" he asked.

I smirked. "I wanted to see your reaction. Now, who's the jealous one here?"
I chuckled again and went home.

[1456 words]

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