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One week after Jules joined our astronomy class, I had an appointment at a therapist. This wasn't my idea, but my mom's. She somehow knew that Apollo wanted to teach me loving and first thought it was just a phase, but my dad convinced her to make me visit the therapist anyway.
Well, thanks, Dad.

My mom gave me advices how to behave and that I had to tell the truth, but she wasn't the one having to explain how three boyfriends in a row were an absolute disaster. But when Mom said I would have to do the dishes for two weeks if I didn't go, I randomly decided that it couldn't be that bad to at least go there.
So here I was, waiting in the praxis room and questioning my entire life.

When the therapist, a tall, muscular guy who was probably around 45 years old, entered the room, he smiled at me.
"You must be Furina Chase, right?"
I nodded and felt really uncomfortable, but smiled awkwardly.
The therapist laughed. "Nice to meet you. I'm Mister Hollow. Can I call you Furina or do you want to be announced in the... more formal way?"

"No, no, Furina's fine." I answered quickly. My mind was still working on the weird situation. My corrupted brain part smirked. 'What a joke. We're here for real!'
The other one blushed and looked down. 'Jesus Christ. What are we doing here.'

"Okay. Furina then. Please explain the reason why you're here." The guy sat down on a chair in front of me.

I thought about it for a moment, then cleared my throat. "Well... I have some kind of unusual disease or something. Over time, I most likely have lost the ability to love. I just don't feel anything when looking at people others would find attractive or handsome. There's something blocking me away from thinking any further than being friends with someone. And I wanna know why."

Mr Hollow raised an eyebrow. "This... truly isn't an everyday thing."
He looked at the paper he was writing on. "Do you know why this could be?"
I sighed. "When I was younger, like 14 or 15, I had multiple relationships. And they all ended tragically. One guy turned out to be gay. Another one cheated on me with his ex girlfriend. Another guy randomly broke up because he found another better girl."

He nodded. "Any traumas related to this when you were a child?"
"No, nothing." I replied.

Mr Hollow just looked at the paper. "Hm. Can you describe what you feel when you see people that are obviously in love? Like a couple in a movie or on the street?"
"Uh... I mostly feel weird. Like I don't belong to the place where it happens and I have to go away immediately. Sometimes, I'm even afraid of a couple starting to kiss or something because it's so awkward and uncomfortable for me." I answered.

The conversation went on for a while. I tried describing my feelings as much as possible and being completely honest. I kept in mind to not talk about the corruption — though I thought the corruption probably wasn't the main reason for my problems.

At the end, Mr Hollow stood up. "Just wait here for a second. I'll be back in a minute with the diagnosis."
He then went into another room.
My heart sank. Diagnosis?!
I thought this was gonna be a one time meeting. And now he wanted to diagnose me?! I was honestly confused and afraid of what he'd diagnose me.
The worst diseases I could imagine popped into my brain, even though they weren't related to my problem.

Mr Hollow was back and had a piece of paper in his hand. He gave it to me and sat down. "You most likely have a rare fear called Philophobia."
I nervously asked: "What's that?"

He looked me in the eyes.
"The fear of love."


The information killed me. I had no idea how to process it and convince myself that this was actually real.
I was... afraid of Love?!

After telling it my parents who were like "Okay, fine, nothing too serious", I rushed over to Apollo's house.
I had never visited him before, he just gave me his address so I could visit him whenever I wanted or had to.

After breathing deeply three times, I rang the bell and waited.
When the door opened, a blonde, elderly woman was standing there. "Miss Furina! Glad to see you. I'm pretty sure you're here because of my son, aren't ya?"
I smiled and felt kind of uncomfortable. That... was his mom? She looked just like a female version of Apollo and seemed pretty normal. "Actually, yes. It's about a school project, sorry."

His mom just laughed. "It's fine. I know how stressful school can be, little one. Let me show you Apollo's room, okay?"
I nodded.

She went upstairs and pointed at the last door in the hallway. "There it is. Please don't mind that his room is chaotic, he has 'more important' things to do."
She said that as if it was the biggest crime to not tidy up daily.

His mom went downstairs and I went to the door while my heart was pounding like crazy. This could either be the end or the beginning of everything. The end of a friendship or the start of a more serious friendship.
Then, I realized that I hadn't told him I'd come, pushed that thought away and opened the door... without knocking.
The biggest mistake I could possibly make.

My blood ran cold when I saw his room.
I mean, not his room, exactly.
The person standing in the room.

Apollo was standing in front of his closet and staring at the inside. It's not that bad, right?
What was bad is that he... wasn't wearing a shirt. And he — somehow — hadn't noticed me yet.

I could feel the uncomfortableness in my spine. Him casually changing clothes with me staring at him.
And the worst part was that he looked exceptionally good. If y'all could see this, you would be really jealous.
But I just wanted to erase this moment from existence.

After some seconds of shock, I cleared my throat.

Apollo turned around immediately and blushed like crazy. "Furina? Wha-what are you doing here?"
I smiled awkwardly. "Hi... I actually wanted to tell you something important and I was around here, so I thought we might chat about-" My voice broke down and I held my head. It began hurting again because the corruption was banging on my brain.

'Hey, idiot! You don't need this guy. Go home, watch Netflix and eat some food. Your case is hopeless.'

With my head still hurting, I fell on my knees.
"Furina!" Apollo rushed to me — still not wearing a shirt — and grabbed my shoulders. "Is everything okay?"

My eyes closed themselves and I felt dizzy. "Yes, I-I'm fine." I looked at him and smiled weakly. "I just probably forgot to drink enough water... it happens, hehe..."
I tried to stand up, but he pressed my shoulders down. "And now you'll tell me the truth."
"Truth? What do you mean, I'm fine." I muttered quietly. I felt so bad for lying, but I couldn't tell him about the corruption. I just couldn't.

"You can tell me... please." Apollo said and closed the door. "I've got some time, I can wait."
I sighed. Maybe he was right. And I felt like I could trust him.


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