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Hi! I'm Br00kieXX, the author.
Let me introduce my story a little bit.

"Showtime" is a story about truth, love and corruption, but everything has its own meaning here.

Truth is the opposite of lies, but here, we can find a new connection between truth and lies, making themselves build a strong net.

Love means falling for someone, but this story is not a simple romance. Here, love is a cheap way to erase someone else's happiness and the best way to create pain and suffering.

Corruption is a powerful emotion that'll show the truth about yourself and the people you love. It connects them both in a dark, twisted way.

It'll start with a simple life.
But the decision YOU have to make at the end of the story won't be easy.


TW⚠️: this story includes deaths, physical as well as emotional injuries and trauma. Please make sure you won't be triggered by any of these things before reading. I highly recommend you to only read this story if you're older than 12 years.


This story is not based on anything real and was fully created by my own imagination.


Also: English is not my first language, so you might find any grammatical errors or other mistakes. If you find one, please comment and I'll fix it.


Thanks for reading this introduction. Don't forget to vote and comment if you like the chapters :D


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