Chapter One: Meet Y/n.

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Seagulls flew high above a small rowboat, their beaks carrying fish. They landed aboard it. The occupant hasn't acknowledged their presence yet, only dipping her hand in the water and splashing it on her face, some of it on her injured arm. She groaned. She took a roll of bandages in her satchel and wrapped some of it around her arm.

"The sea did not choose me, that's for sure." She said to herself, (e/c) eyes looking at her reflection. She sighed. 'This ain't disney'  she thought to herself.

Turning to see where she heard a small thud she caught sight of the seagulls placing the fish inside her boat. Right next to two small white rocks which she didn't remember if she placed them there.

"Oh, thanks you guys, but you don't have to do that."
One of the seagulls just stared blankly at her. Then it flew and smacked her with its wings, the girl letting out a surprised yelp. It hit its beak on her head a few times until she admitted defeat.

"Okay , maybe I do need your help."
The seagull hawked then flew off. 

(Y/N) sighed. Darcy had been with her since she sailed out from her home town. She had also been the one to try and warn her about a whirlpool up ahead but she was fast asleep.

The sound of canonfire caught her attention. Turning to find what seemed to be a passenger vessel under attack by pirates in a pink ship. She watched from afar as the pirates boarded the ship. If there's one thing her aunt Gladys taught her, it's to never involve yourself with people's problems unless they need your help specifically.

Grabbing her oars, (Y/N) started to row away from the scene.
'That sure ain't my business.' She heard a familiar screech high above. "Oh yeah."

She set down her oars and focused on the water around her. At first it was like a gentle tug but soon the water started moving by her accord and she was able to sail faster. Making sure she focused on the water current she pulled out a map to see where the nearest town would be.
Looks like she was off to a navy base city. Shells Town.


"I'm hungry, let's all eat for free!" The blond man in a purple suit declared as he placed his feet on the table. Behind him stood two stone-faced navy soldiers. "Bring me booze and be quick about it."

(Y/N) made sure to sit far away from the loud guy with the weird bowl cut. Whatever barber he went to did him dirty. The man's obnoxious laughing filled the place. Said something about executing someone.

Making sure to savour her meal before she was to head for the town library she was interrupted by a loud punch that seemed to be from the blond guy's direction. He flew. His flight was stopped by the wall and he landed right beside the girl's table.

"You just hit me?!" He yelled at a black-haired teen who wore a red vest and shorts. He looked like he was her age. A pink haired boy seemed to be trying to hold him back." Luffy no, you can't hit him!"

'Pretty sure he just did.'

"This guy is scum!"

"You actually hit me!" Blondie seemed to still be in shock, his hand holding onto his injured cheek while the soldiers who had accompanied him tried to help him up.

(Y/n) ate the grapes in the fruitbowl in front of her like they were popcorn. A small rock on the table beside her fruit bowl. Aunt Gladys said don't involve yourself but she didn't say don't watch.


"LIKE I CARE?" The teen, Luffy,as (Y/n) recalled, retorted.

"YOU'LL CARE AFTER HE EXECUTES YOU FOR THIS!" Tears were spilling from Blondie's eyes. All the hate directed at the angry dark haired teen.

"Luffy please just calm down."

The air in the restaurant was tense. Everyone's eyes were now on the three making a ruckus. Y/N continued munching on her grapes silently.

"I've made up my mind, Coby," Luffy began. "Today, Zoro is joining my crew."

The grape went down the wrong tunnel. (Y/N) choked on the grape. Failing completely at not drawing attention to herself. Her eyes watered. Someone had ever so lightly smacked her on the back, making the grape leave her larynx. She then took took a large gulp of water to lessen the burning feeling. Once she had recovered her eyes connected with Luffy. She immediately averted her eyes from is gaze and pretended to be admiring the wall while humming a tune to herself.

The boy hummed in thought.

Eventually his eyes moved away from her after a second or two, which felt like an eternity.

Standing up and collecting her satchel, Y/n made her way outside the restaurant, not before looking over her shoulder as she caught a glimpse of the boy grabbing his hat and talking to the pinkette, Coby.

It felt as though she might come across him again. Sooner or later. For now it was onto business.


"Call me if you need anything, miss." Mr. Watanabe, a bespectacled old man who looked after the library, said. As he walked away, the 17-year-old thanked him.

She looked through the library's files trying to find any information printed.

'Nothing to find.'

Sea Goddesses
'Nothing to find'

(Y/N) let out a groan. This was getting nowhere. Every town she searched; she found no information. Every guy she beat up had nothing much to offer.
Her only source was Aunt G., who was not here unfortunately. Her eyes caught sight of familiar rock right on her desk. It seemed to be following her everywhere. Or maybe it was a different one. Maybe she had finally gone crazy. She didn't know.  Taking the rock she threw it outside but it landed on some guy's head. "WHO THREW THAT?!"
She hid behind the shelf and continued her research.

Her eyes landed on a wall at the corner of the library. Beside the bookshelf the wall had wanted posters of every criminal in history laminated and preserved. An idea sprung up in her head.

Gol D. Roger
'Also, nothing to find huh?'

It seems to me that the government has something - and by something, I mean a lot -to hide.

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