Chapter one

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"Papa please..."

"No anirudh , you already have 3 sports cars. Why do you need more?"

"Papa this one is new! I really.."

"No , you are not getting any car . End of this topic"

Silence echoed in the air. Anirudh got up from the dining table angrily as his father refused him to get a new sports car.

"Anirudh , come back." Anirudh's father aka Chetan Roy ordered with a stern voice.

Anirudh knew this voice. He is serious. Without arguing he went back to his seat and he was hungry too . The maid served the dinner and left . Both father and son started eating. They both were eating peacefully , but then anirudh's father broke the silence,

"Ani, what are you doing?"

Anirudh frowned at his question and looked up

"What? I am eating ." Anirudh replied with a confusing frown.

Anirudh's father sighed heavily . He kept the spoon aside and wiped his mouth with a napkin.
He looked at Anirudh ,

"Beta , what are you doing with your life? I am getting old . We don't know when i die. You have to take responsibilities after me." Chetan said with a soft voice, trying to make his son understand.

"Papa please, stop this nonsense. What is going to happen , you are totally fit and fine."
Anirudh spat out with an annoyed expression. His father has been telling him this from a month now . Every day , at dinner time .

" But beta.."

"Papa please, i am not interested in this nonsense talking. Can you please let me eat my dinner peacefully?" Anirudh snapped roughly without even knowing that how badly he hurt his father with his words.

"Fine , let's not talk about this topic." Anirudh's father said in a sad tone.


Finishing my dinner , I wiped my mouth with a napkin and grabbed my phone and got up, glancing last time at my father who was still having his dinner, slowly .

Is there something wrong with him? He is eating vegetables, when he loves meats and tadka wala food more. Maybe just trying to be healthy. Well, good for him!Shrugging my thoughts, I ordered to the maid

"Bring the dessert in my room."

The maid nodded politely and went to the kitchen . I looked at my father one last time before going to my room.

Entering my room I plopped down on the bed. I was scrolling through my phone just then someone knocked at my door. Knowing who was that , i opened the door. The maid entered in the room and put the bowl of dessert in the table.

Taking the bowl in my hand , i took a bite from my chocolate ice-cream . Mhmm tasty!

While eating ice cream, i remembered conversation between me and my father at dining table . He seemed sad after I talked rudely to him. That wasn't my fault, he keeps talking about me taking over the company. Is he really sick or what? He has been talking about that topic from past few weeks now . What's actually going in his mind? Why does he want me to take over the company.

He surely wants me to work , nothing else. Shrugging my inner thoughts, I called Vishal , my friend. Just after 2 rings , he picked up

"Hey bro whatsup?" Vishal said from the other side.

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