Chapter Three

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I was working in my cabin while sipping coffee. I need coffee when i am working, it keeps me awake and refreshed . Soon I heard a knock on my door, after taking my permission the person entered. Oh , it's Avay .

" Ma'am , here is the recent report of our stocks. Also this is the report of our sales of past 3 months." Avay said handing me 2 files .

I nodded and took the files and started checking them . "Thanks Avay, sit down." After giving them a quick check . I glanced at Avay , "hmm, did you checked the files?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am , i already checked them ." Avay spoke.

"Don't you think, we need to work more on sales? I mean i am not satisfied with this." I said with a straight face.

"I agree ma'am . We must increase our sales." Avay stated .

"Hmm, we'll discuss this in the meeting. It's already 12 pm , the lunch break started. you can go and enjoy your lunch break." I said with a smile.

"Thank you ma'am." Saying this Avay left from the cabin. I turned my I-mac off and stood up. After taking my car keys and wallet I left my office. Well i am going to meet my best friend after almost a week.

Getting into my range rover, without wasting a single second i started driving. While driving I noticed a flower shop on my right side. Flowers for my pasandida aurat (favourite women) , it's a great idea right? Without wasting any time , i stopped my car in front of the shop.

Her favourite flowers are roses , she loves roses. I asked the florist to make me a special bouquet of every colour roses available.

Paying for the bouquet, i got out of the shop . I kept the bouquet on the passenger seat and started driving. Not after so long , i am in front of a cafe , which is owned by none other than my best friend Sruti Gupta . Well , this is one of the biggest and famous cafe in Mumbai .

After parking my car , i got out of it. The watchman opened the door for me and I entered. As always the cafe is crowded. Waiters taking orders , the manager talking with the people, everyone enjoying their time and food.

I am actually proud of her. She had a really tough time at the beginning. She had to make her mom understand that , opening her own cafe is her dream . She worked really hard to achieve her dream .

I already knew , she would be at the kitchen. I made my way to the kitchen. Well as i am the one and only best friend of the owner, every worker knows me very well. So, without any trouble I entered in the kitchen area .

Wow, everyone is working really hard here making the orders. I noticed sruti standing in the corner instructing the other workers .she was back facing me. By that time other workers noticed me , but i signalled them not to make any sound putting my index finger on my lips .

The head chef aka sruti's mother smiled and shook her head. I tip toed and started walking towards her. I hugged her from behind and she flinched . She tried to push but i was hugging her tightly.

"Riana, is that you?"

Oh dang, she caught me. When i loosen my grip a bit , she turned around and glared me. Well, my girl is angry at me cause , i was really busy with my work that I couldn't call her once. When i called her yesterday , she didn't picked up. Then i got to know from aunty that , she is mad at me.

"Hii, babeess." I tired to hug her , but she pushed me. " i have lots of WORK riana. I don't have time." The way she pressured on the word 'work' and mentioned me as 'riana' , she is really mad at me.

Saying that she again started working. I pouted , and went towards aunty . "Aunty , meri pasandida aurat mujhse naraz hai , kya karu?" I asked her , loud enough for sruti to hear .

(Aunty , my favourite woman is angry at me, what should i do?)

"Mujhe nahi pata , tumne gussa dilaya hai to tum hi jano." Aunty replied while the other workers chuckled.

(I don't know , you made her angry then you should know.)

Wow, I thought at least she will give me some hints but she also betrayed me. I noticed how sruti was trying to suppress her laugh after hearing her mother's answer.

I again went towards sruti and hugged her sideways . " Acha baba , sorry. Maaf karde, dobara aisi galti nahi karungi."

(Okay, forgive me , i will not repeat that mistake again.)

"Why are you saying sorry to me? Who am I?" She spat out angrily.

"You are my gurl. My baby. My woman. My best friend. Sorry naaaa." I made a cute face, which i only make around her .

This time she couldn't control , she chuckled. But soon she made an angry face and gave me a side eye. "Go to my room. I am coming." She said in a cold tone.

I gave ger a salute and left from the kitchen. I directly went to upstairs where her cabin was.


"Gautam, I am not going to listen . It's been almost 4 months that I am not going to the company. I have to attend today's meeting ." Chetan stated

"I know sir . But your health comes first . Besides, don't you trust me? I promise sir i will handle. Plus you are going to be connected through zoom meeting." Gautam said.

Chetan sighed heavily after hearing gautam's words but he was not ready to give up . He opened his mouth to say something but gautam cut him saying

"Sir please. You need to take rest. Please sir, please? I handled everything well in last four months, and i will keep doing that till your recover fully and rejoin the company. " Gautam pleaded.

Chetan closed his eyes for few seconds, but then again opened them only to find Gautam kneeling down on both of his knees and looking at him with hopes. Gautam's eyes filled with concern for chetan .

"Why are you doing all these for me gautam?" Chetan asked softly.

"Huh? I am sorry sir , what do you mean?" Gautam asked in confusion .

Chetan slowly moved his hand towards gautam's head . He started caressing his head. "You can easily resign from this company, there are many companies who want to have you and also offering you to pay double even triple . Why are you bearing my company's all tension and everything? Why are you working day and night? You have a life gautam. Enjoy it , live your young life. Don't be like me who wasted his youth working like an ass."

Chetan's eyes filled with tears as he completed his sentence. " Sir , i am not doing this for money or anyone . I am doing this cause I want to. And I don't complain, i enjoy working sir. And every company has tensions and problems. I just want you to rest, i will handle everything. Don't worry." Gautam ended his sentence with a smile.

Chetan also smiled. " Now I'll leave sir. And i'll let you know when the meeting starts, so that you can join us." Gautam said. Chetan just nodded at his words.

Soon gautam left for office and he did handled the meeting so well. He is doing all office works on behalf of chetan as he can't join the company physically.

It all started three years ago. Chetan always used to worry about his son. About his future. From the very first, anirudh used to behave like a brat. He didn't listen to anyone, he used to skip school . After he graduated with a bachelor degree in business , Chetan thought now he will understand everything and he will join the company.

But that didn't happened , he refused to work and started spending money, making useless friends , hanging out with them.

Chetan was always tensed about him and work 24/7 and that led him to minor attacks sometimes. He used to feel pain in his chest, he ignored it and kept working.

Four months ago when anirudh was at bali with his friends, chetan got a serious heart attack. He was hospitalised for almost two weeks. He ordered everyone, not to inform anirudh about his illness as he doesn't want to make him worried. From then gautam started handing all work in the company.

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