Chapter Eight

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Gautam stepped into the house with casual attire. As it was sunday he planned to take chetan to somewhere to visit so that he relax and feel good. As soon as he entered, he met with nothing but silence .

"Kaka, where are sir and Anirudh? Is everything alright?" Gautam asked to one of the caretakers being concerned.

"Anirudh sir did not came out of his room yet and sir is in his room. He ate his breakfast an hour ago." The caretaker informed .

"Thank god everything is alright!. Thank you kaka , you can go." Gautam said and the caretaker left.

Just when Gautam was about to step forward, he saw Chetan coming out of his room. As soon as Chetan noticed Gautam , his face lit up.

"Gautam, tum kab aye? Mujhe laga aj tum nahi ane wale." Chetan said. He was bit surprised yet happy to see Gautam.

(Gautam when did you came? I thought you wouldn't come.)

"Just now sir! How are you?" Gautam asked while he guided Chetan towards the couch.

"I am feeling great! In fact today i am feeling like eating more. Even after having breakfast i am feeling hungry." Chetan exclaimed.

Gautam laughed a little. "That's great ! Tell me what do you want to eat? I will bring for you."

Chetan thought for a while then spoke, "I am craving for pav bhajj. You know na that's my favourite!"

"No sir. Not any oily food." Gautam said sternly.

"But, one or two won't harm right. Besides i am eating this greens and soups for a long time now. I even forgot how my pav bhaji tastes." Chetan said dramatically.

This can't be denied that from past months he has been eating only healthy non oily food, when he loves the street foods and masala foods most.

"Don't worry Gautam , i will make pav bhaji with less oil." Maya said .

Chetan grinned, "see Gautam, she will make it with less oil"

Gautam looked at Chetan once then agreed . As soon as Chetan saw that Gautam agreed , a wide grin formed on his face.


I saw how happy sir became when i agreed . As if a kid got happy when his father agreed to give him candies. Though he is my boss but when it comes to his health, he has to obey me no matter what. From the very beginning, I myself customised his diet for his health with the help of doctors.

From that day I didn't let me him eat anything oily or any food which was harmful for him . But today after so many days, he requested me to eat pav bhaji , his favourite food. And the way he requested, I couldn't help but agree. His health is a lot better now and only one or two pav bhaji won't harm right!?

I was lost in my own mind. I came back to the reality when I felt someone's hand on my right shoulder . I looked at the hand only to find that it was sir.

"Where are you lost Gautam?" Sir asked.

"Uh , nowhere sir." I stumbled.

"By the way , today is sunday , why didn't you just spent the day as your wish instead of coming here. I feel like i am being a burden to yo.."

I didn't let him complete his sentence. "Sir please. You are not a burden. I love spending time with you . Besides i wanted to take you to somewhere refreshing, like maybe at garden or museum or golf club? I am here because I wanted to sir. You will be never a burden to me , you're just like my father sir."

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