Chapter Four

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While listing to one of my favourite songs , i was driving peacefully. Just then my phone ringed , and it was Vishal. God , why he is so patience less , he called me for the fourth time. I rolled my eyes and picked up.

"What now ?" I asked annoyingly .

"Anirudh , we are in the restaurant section, and they.." vishal tried to speak but I cut him off,

"Ha to bola hai na udhar baitho , mai araha hu 5 minutes me." I snapped angrily.

(Yes, I have told you to sit there, i am coming in 5 minutes)

"Yes anirudh, but they are not letting us sit . They are saying all tables are reserved already." Vishal said.

"God damn it. Stay there , i am coming. Let's see how can they deny Anirudh Roy." Saying this I cut the call and increased the speed of my car.

Within 5 minutes I reached at the resort. Parking my car , I directly went to the restaurant section. Vishal and our other friends , Ankita,Ridhi, and Rishi were standing outside of the entrance.

"Oh , Anirudh is here." Ankita spoke.

"Bhai tu ayega finally, ab inka kuch kar. 1 baj gaye hai , bhook lagi hai." Rishi said .

(Bro, finally you are here. Please do something, it's already 1 , i am hungry.)

I chuckled and entered in the restaurant with my friends. We went to the reception area .

"Excuse me , i want a table for 5 people. " I said to the receptionist .

The receptionist stood up , " Sorry sir , our all tables are reserved for today . You can reserve one for dinner time or for tomorrow." The receptionist said politely.

I frowned, " What do you mean by tomorrow? Me and my friends want to eat here today and right now." I raised his voice a little.

What does she mean by tomorrow . We are here to have our time and lunch today , and we will do that. Let's see how does this bloody receptionist stops me. Does she even know who am i?

"Sir, we are really sorry . But we can't give you any table for today , specifically for lunch time. Please understand , all tables are reserved already." The receptionist tried to make me understand.

I closesd my eyes in annoyance and took a deep breath . I again looked at the receptionist but this time dangerously.

"You know what, just shut up and call your manager. Right. Now ." I said angrily.

It's better to talk to the manager than this bloody idiotic receptionist.

I can see how my friend's facial expressions changed within a second! Such a cowards huhh.

Vishal came near me and whispered, " Bro leave , let's not create any mess here. We can eat at any other restaurant."

Ridhi also joined vishal saying , " yes anirudh. Leave the topic , let's go." She pleaded.

But I am not going to leave easily. " No guys. I am going to eat here and only here. Let's see who can stop me."

Ridhi and vishal glanced at each other with worried expression. No matter what , I am going to show them , with whom they messed up.


The manager walked in with the receptionist behind him. "Yes sir? You wanted to talk to me?" The manager said with a smile.

Anirudh rolled his eyes . Annoyance is completely visible on his face.

" I am here with my friends to enjoy our time here and have our lunch , but your receptionist is saying we cant! All I want is to spend time with my friends and eat here!" Anirudh complained to the manager.

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