Chapter Six

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Stepping out of my flat , i drove to the Roy mansion . Reaching there , I entered the house only to meet with silence . I kept the bag on the nearby couch and went to the kitchen area . While entering I met with maya kaki.

"Areh, gautam beta ! Tum kab aye?" Maya kaki asked.

(Oh gautam! When did you came?)

"Abhi aya kaki." I replied to her.

(Just now , kaki)

Kaki nodded with a soft smile. "Come sit, i'll bring you dinner." Kaki said. "No kaki , I already had dinner at my home." I replied.

"Did sir took his evening meds?" I asked her. "Yes , he did. Also Dr.Ahuja came for the daily checkup. He said everything is going well." She replied . I listened to her carefully about sir's health .

She continued, "Now , i am going to give sir his dinner. I hope he doesn't deny to have it."

"Give it to me , i will feed him." I said while taking the food tray from her hand .

Just when i was about to leave she stopped me. "Areh wait , take some fruits too! If he doesn't eat that , feed him some fruits at least." Saying that she went to the kitchen.

I nodded and followed her. Maya kaki was cutting the fruits and i was keeping them on the plate. Suddenly I heard a sound, seems like car parking sound . "Anirudh sir is here. It's his car's sound." Maya kaki informed me.I nodded in understanding manner.

It's almost 10 minute since we heard the sound but he still didn't came inside . We both glanced at each other. "What's taking him so long?" I asked to myself. We both were looking towards the main door , waiting for Anirudh to enter. "I'll go and check" maya kaki said but I stopped her. "No wait! Don't go."

Not after so long we saw him peaking inside the house. I frowned at first but then understood . "What's wrong with him?" Maya kaki asked. "I don't know either!" I shrugged.I do know what's wrong! But i will tell the matter to chetan sir only.

Anirudh scanned the whole living room , once he was satisfied, he tiptoed and directly went towards his room. I watched his every step.

"Well at least he knows , what he did was wrong."

"Kaki, i'll take the food to sir's room. Bring the water please." I asked kaki and left the kitchen with the food tray in my hand .


Gautam knocked on the door. After getting permission, he entered in Chetan's room. Maya followed him. He kept the tray on the table . Maya also kept the water jug on the table , then left.

"How many times I have told you that you don't need to take permission to enter in my room beta?" Chetan said while standing up.

Gautam didn't said anything, he just helped Chetan to sit down on the couch. Once Chetan settled on the couch comfortably , Gautam organised the plates and cutleries in front of him .

"Sir your dinner. Please have them." Gautam requested. Chetan just smiled and nodded.

Gautam looked at him being surprised. He didn't denied to eat for the very first time . "You ate your dinner Gautam?" Chetan asked before taking the first bite.

"Yes sir , don't worry. I ate my dinner already." Gautam assured him .

"Okay ! Then come at least sit with me while i eat?" Chetan requested. Gautam smiles and nodded, he sat down near Chetan.

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