Chapter 61: K.D

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The torches had been put on, as the sun had set. This all made Kardama's deep blue eyes completely unmissable. A sense of awe and moderate dread had already filled the room.

Unlike Gaius before him, Kardama does not kneel. He stands before the dais, staring at king Gregor. King Gregor clears his throat, speaking firmly.

King Gregor: Your part in our victory is well documented. I reckon it might be rude to ask what you are, but you must forgive my curiosity. You understand our tongue, yes?

Kardama speaks with grace.

Kardama: I have no comments to give on the matter.

King Gregor chuckles loudly.

King Gregor: Tell me your name, then?

Kardama stares Gregor in the face, without so much as a care in his eyes.

Kardama: It is one your lips are not worthy to utter.

A nearby guard bristles at Kardama's statement.

Æge: Mind your tongue, stranger. Lord Darwin would have relished this opportunity you have received. You have already seen where this road leads. One true swing of my axe, and you'd be dead. Do you know who it is that you speak to?

It all happens so fast. Somehow, Æge ends up beside Kardama. His hair being pulled upwards, the only thing keeping him upright. His knee joints bleed profusely; blood gushing out from the positions his crura should be. Terrified people move away from the scene, creating some distance between themselves and the duo. King Gregor shakes his head in regret as Gaius leads the drawing of swords. Ten Malv soldiers surround Kardama, the unfriendly end of their blades facing him. Kardama ignores them, looking at the horrified Æge as he pulls hard at his blond hair.

Kardama: Do you know who it is that you speak to, Æge?

John Kado watches on from a safe distance as King Gregor attempts to deescalate the situation.

King Gregor: The boy is eager to prove himself loyal. Forgive his impoliteness, my friend.

Raising his gaze to Gregor, Kardama decides to spare his life. He tosses Æge away, through one of the glass windows, shattering it, and sending the screaming soldier on a flight. He had changed his mind about the lad's fate. Gregor fakes a laugh.

Gregor: I'm going to need another squire.

Under coercion from the king's gaze, all who were in the room joined in laughter. Do not be deceived by appearances, though. Gaius had already began to sweat profusely. All who dared to remain in the room, at this point, watched with trepidation. John, on the other hand, just stays silent. He carefully studies the events and happenings around him. Gregor breaks the chill silence that accompanies the awkward laughter.

King Gregor: My, it's getting really late. I'm sure I have other places I'd much rather...

Kardama nonchalantly cuts him off.

Kardama: If you must ascribe a name to me, then you must make do with a sobriquet.

Growing increasingly bored and tired, the king drops to his throne as he inquires.

King Gregor: And that is?

Kardama: K.D.

King Gregor: Are those your initials?

Kardama repeats with a commanding voice.

Kardama: K.D.

The king yields, now in a hurry to close the show.

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