Chapter 55: Hero

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Hours ago, somewhere in Malvay's Ampao region.

Sinister is making his way through a quiet forest, his mask tied around his right shoulder. He's following a narrow path, varyingly dense trees on either side of it. As he forges ahead, he suddenly begins to walk faster, as if he's in a hurry. Shortly afterwards, he slows down significantly, but doesn't stop walking. Next, he stops completely, noticing someone else's presence.

Sinister: You know you could have simply just asked to tag along. I wouldn't be a captain if I was that easy to follow around...isn't that right, Charleston?

As a gentle breeze blows, Charleston descends slowly from the sky, his black cape waving majestically as he lands in front of Sinister. He doesn't utter a word.

Sinister gives a shake of the head as he opts to carry on.

Sinister: Oh well, tag along if you want. Be reminded to stay out of my way though.

Sinister gives a stern look at Charleston, giving a warning.

Sinister: He's mine.

Sinister attempts to walk past Charleston, but the latter won't budge. He just stands there, his eyes fixed on Sinister. He does speak eventually, however.

Charleston: I found a note of yours. There's good reason for me to believe you had a hand in Lisandro's death.

Sinister's expression changes immediately. He gives a resentful frown. Perhaps uncharacteristically, however, he doesn't lose his cool. He just places both of his hands behind him, stealthily reaching for his trademark twin battle-axes, as he mutters to Charleston.

Sinister: I see.

Tension begins to build, within Sinister, at least, as he reaches on, etching closer to the handles. He's wearing a black leather jacket over his hunt suit, making it less easy to spot his actions. Charleston just goes on speaking emotionally, not minding anything else.

Charleston: I know you know you and I are likely going to fight each other, right here.

Sinister muffles a reply, his hands now firmly on his weapons.

Sinister: Mmh.

Charleston uses his telekinetic abilities to uproot three threes from the soil, suspending them in the air. A dark aura covers Sinister, an intro alluding to his necromantic capabilities. Both captains are now staring keenly at each other. Two men without much cordial history in their memories, seemingly preparing to bring everything down.

To Sinister's surprise, Charleston gently places his hand on his shoulder, still bearing a melancholic look.

Charleston: But who would it benefit if we fought each other?

The trees slowly drop to the ground, lying horizontally in-between the upright ones. Sinister warily watches on, squinting his eyes, trying to see Charleston's angle.

Charleston: I don't believe you killed Lisandro...but I've already made the mistake of following you all the way to this place.

Sinister clicks his tongue, in annoyance, pushing Charleston aside, intending to continue his advance.

Sinister: Then get out of my way.

Previously annoyed about how slowly he has to move to try to avoid early detection, Sinister frowns at the idea of Charleston costing him more time. He's brought to a halt by Charleston's statement, however.

Charleston: He's not there.

Sinister takes a deep breath, causing his shoulders to elevate, before falling back to normal position afterwards, turning swiftly to Charleston, placing the unfriendly end of a battle-axe on his neck. He's visibly furious, almost to the point of losing control.

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