As anxiety and uncertainty on what to expect rises, the next thirty two hours sees DDI's hunters taking up strategic positions.
The hunters of phase one had slowly been gathered at the coast of Thauvin. Highly curious about what lies at the other end of the far stretching body of water, the hunters wait patiently for their time to strike.
The wait begins to prove far from easy, as the general inactivity soon begins to breed boredom. Hunters of varying ages and ranks, meeting up for the largest and probably the most important mission of their lives. This gives room for socialization to occur, many of these hunters previously having no relationship with the others. Some had somehow previously never met. Perhaps an uneasy fact to note, would be that their actions and approach to this mission gravely affects every other phase of the plan. Screw up now, and it's almost certainly over.
A middle aged hunter, his face covered in facial hair, walks along the coastline, before settling for a seat. Another hunter of the same age group soon joins him, exchanging pleasantries.
Gradel: Howdy. Mind if I help myself to a seat right beside you?
Handanovic chuckles, a bit of surprise etched on his face. He simply answers with a shrug of the shoulders, with a mouth movement that matches the expression. Gradel slowly drops to the seat beside Handanovic, showing his appreciation.
Gradel: Why, thank you, ol' timer.
Handanovic turns to Gradel, finally producing a voiced statement.
Handanovic: Difficult to listen to you without instantly being able to tell where you're from.
Gradel laughs out loud, before settling for a muffled chuckle.
Gradel: If I had a Malv silver coin every time someone said that to me, I'd still be broke.
Handanovic: Can't help but wonder why.
Handanovic squints his eyes, inquisitively. Gradel simply answers in a totally carefree manner.
Gradel: I'm cursed with zha passion of gambling, but with zha luck of a crayfish.
Handanovic nods his head.
Handanovic: Ah, I see. Sounds like you're the old timer, if you still make reference to the metal coin system.
Gradel cracks open again, laughing uncontrollably.
Gradel: I try to convince myself it was just a few years 'go.
Handanovic stares into the sky.
Handanovic: Let me know if that works. You're a Wesgolian, right?
Gradel affirms swiftly, his accent and speech pattern an obvious sellout.
Gradel: Canonville, Wesgolia. Born and bred by wonderful patents of zha same. Nothing surprising, I believe.
Handanovic takes a friendly swipe at Gradel.
Handanovic: Nah, just hard to believe there's a Wesgolian prick who isn't completely consumed by a bottle of wine.
Gradel, again, laughs out loud, building a perception that it's his personality.
Gradel: Even a dull little man like me knows that zha man first consumes the bottle, until zha bottle consumes the man.
Gradel suddenly completely catches Handanovic's attention, but the latter opts to withhold a verbal response. He stares at the other hunters, who are doing their own thing, one way or the other.
Handanovic: So, these lads hold the key to bringing this shitshow to a conclusion, huh. The team looks promising.
Gradel instantly agrees.
FantasíaMario Cadel gets caught up in a series of tragic events that opens his eyes to the mysteries and darkness in the world. He begins a struggle to establish peace but whether he succeeds or not is another matter...