Tim and Lucy go on a road trip

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Tim wakes up and is looking at Lucy sleep (her head was on his shoulder and she was making a cute face in her sleep so Tim was laughing on the inside and he took a pic of her and sent it to Angela,
*The chat*
"The picture"
Ang-"aww she is so cute sleeping 😍😍"
Tim-"ikr she looks so peaceful🤍"
Ang-"are yous setting of soon?"
Tim-"yeah just need to carry Lucy out to the car and then set of I can't forget Mr snuggles she will be angry the whole trip"
Ang-"awww your being a gentle men"
Tim-" I always am🤔"
Ang-"well you better get Lu up now and set off"
Tim-"okay see ya"
*In reality*
Tim doesn't want to wake Lucy up because she's to cute but knows he has to so he slowly wakes her up by rubbing her face and kissing her lips and head until Tim kissed Lucy on the lips and Lucy returned the kiss,
"Morning sleepy head" Tim said cupping her face
"Morning handsome"Lucy said pulling him ontop of her and Tim was now over the top of Lucy and was doing push ups and everytime he did one before her pushed back up he kissed Lucy's nose and then pushed back up until when Tim was about to kiss Lucy nose she wrapped her arms around his chest and hugged him and Tim said "come on baby we have to get up" Tim said looking down at her then sitting up and Lucy sat in his lap
"Okay" Lucy pulled a sad face and Tim then wrapped his hands around her, they got up after awhile of Lucy messing about with Tim's hair, they both got up and got dressed into comfy clothes, Tim packed the car while Lucy was making a quick shake for them both and grabbing them a breakfast bar and Tim grabbed them and told Lucy he forgot something in the bedroom so Lucy went to see what but Tim had other plans he put the drinks and breakfast bars in the car and ran back to Lucy and picked her up and she had her legs and arms wrapped around him until he put her down on the bed and wrapped her up like a bruito with her favourite blanket, he picked her up again and took her to the car and placed her in the passenger seat and and then climbes into the driver's seat and he put his hand on Lucy's thigh and said "you ready to go my passenger princess?"
"Yes!" Lucy said excitedly
Tim started the car and they set off and they only just set of when Lucy had fallen asleep in her seat so Tim turned the music down and and kept looking at her to make sure she was okay until.......

Tim And Lucy Go on A Road TripWhere stories live. Discover now