Tim and Lucy go on a road trip

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Until... Lucy woke up and started throwing up all over the place Tim pulled over and Lucy got out and ran over to a bush and started to throw up again "Tim" Lucy said looking at Tim before throwing up again "Iam here baby Iam here" Tim said rubbing her back,
*a few minutes later*
Lucy stopped throwing up and Tim asked "you okay?"
"Yea thank U" Lucy said looking at Tim while he cleans her mouth,
They get back in the car and Tim grabs Lucy a bag to throw up in just incase she needs to,
They started to drive of again until Lucy starts crying and Tim glances at her and says "baby what's wrong?"
"I want you", Lucy said sobbing
"Baby I need to drive" Tim said while putting his hand on her thigh and rubbing it she calmed down and fell asleep and half an hour later she wakes up again and throws up,
"Oh baby" Tim said looking at Lucy again she couldn't stop throwing up, soon later she stopped and Tim said "do you always act like this?"
"No I never get sick whilst In a car" Lucy said while cleaning herself up.
They arrived at the airport and met up with ang and Wesley,
"Hey Mate" Wesley said walking up to Tim, "hey" meanwhile Ang ran upto Lucy and hugged her saying "hey girly"
"Hey" Lucy said smiling and hugging her back, they went around the airport and checked in and went through baggage and they made it to there flight Lucy didn't leave Tim's side the whole way she was always clinging onto Tim's arm, they made it aboard and sat in there seats and the aeroplane flew off the ground Lucy felt sick again so grabbed a sick bag and throw up tim rubbed her back snd said "you feeling okay you keep being sick?"
"I don't feel unwell I just can't stop throwing up", Lucy said confused
"Well let's hope it's just travel sickness"Tim said looking at Lucy
"Same" Lucy said she put her headphones on and fell asleep Tim was watching a movie on his phone and kept glancing at Lucy to make sure she was okay, everytime she was just asleep, before they landed Tim woke Lucy up she slowly woke up and said"where are we?" She asked
"We are just about to land so I wanted to wake u up before we land"
"Okay thanks" Lucy said while getting ready to land she gripped onto Tim's arm because she was scared of landing, when they finally landed Tim looked down at Lucy and kissed her head and said "it's okay now princess we have landed" Lucy Looked up at Tim and Tim added "you excited?"
"Yes!"Lucy said getting more excited
They got of the plane and Lucy stayed behind Tim the whole time when they were getting there bags Ang and Wesley walked upto them and said"how was the flight?"
"Good except miss Pukey pants over there" Tim said pointing to Lucy who was stood next to him, when they got there bags the two girls where in the front and the boys where in the back they were all talking when they all where hungry so went to grab something to eat, they went to McDonald's in the airport and ordered, while waiting for there food Ang was talking about how excited she was to go see all the places Lucy agreed and they both got over excited, they carried on talking until there food arrived and they all started eating when Lucy took a bite.......

Tim And Lucy Go on A Road TripWhere stories live. Discover now