Tim and Lucy go on a road trip

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She were searching around more and found two eggs, Ang looked at Lucy in shock Lucy said to the nurse "so when is her due date??"
Ang sat up at the nurse and said "so they are also due in November just a few days earlier so on the 21st is when they are due"
"Okay thank U" Ang said and got off the chair/table thingy,
"Thank U" Lucy siad and waved goodbye as they left,
They were walking out the Hospital when they got a call from Nyla so Lucy picked it up
"Hey this Is Lucy and Angela"
"Hey guys so my due date is the 19th of November how about yous?"Nyla asked
"Well Iam due on the 24th of November"Lucy said
"And mine are due on the 21st of November so all close together"
Ang said
"Wait why did you say mine,Ang are you having more then one baby?"
Nyla asked
"Yes,twins"Ang said and started crying of happiness
"CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!"Nyla screamed down the phone (happy scream)
"Well I will see you two in a day or two"Nyla said
"Okay well iam going to order the onesies now"Lucy said and her and Ang said bye and they hung up
Lucy ordered the onesies and they were next day delivery,
"Okay now we plan on how to tell them"Lucy said
"Well how about we do they with Nyla we go out for brunch together without the boys?"Ang suggested
"Yeah perfect"Lucy replied and they got into there cap,
When they arrived back at the hotel Lucy payed for their cap and they both walked upto there rooms when they got there Ang walked into hers and saw Tim and Wesley cheering because there team won
"Hey Tim Luce is back in her room if you want to go to her"Ang said walking over to Wesley and sitting on
His lap kissing his neck
"LET ME GET OUT FIRST,GOD"Tim said running to the door and closing it quickly
Ang and Wesley were laughing at Tim
Ang and Wesley carried on with what they were doing,
*With Tim and Lucy*
"Hey baby"Tim said walking into his room,Lucy was sat on the bed and he walked over to her and got ontop of her,
"Well hello to you too"Lucy said laughing
"Tim, the Curtains are open"Lucy said looking at Tim with a big smile on her face,
"Nobody will see us and it's the sunset
So I want to watch it with you will making love,plsss can we keep them open"Tim said with puppy eyes
"Fine handsome"Lucy said sitting up abit and kissing Tim on the lips and putting her hand on his chest, Tim got so turned on with Lucy doing this,Lucy took tims shirt of and was staring at his Six pack and she turned Tim over so he was now lying on his back and Lucy was on top of him she started kissing his neck then making her way down to his abs and kissing them one by one, after she kissed them one by one she looked up at Tim and with her eyes asked for permission to take his pants and boxers of he nodded at her so she started to unzip his pants and she pulled them of, she then took his boxers of and she was just staring at him, tim sat up and was kissing lucys neck and leaving h!ckeys she pushed him back down and took his D!©k into her hands and putting it in her mouth Tim started to moan her name and started To ©¥m in her mouth we mouth was full of His Juices Tim looked at her and said"you don't have to swallow them"
Lucy swallowed them anyways
Tim then picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and Tim said "I can't be the only one having fun"
Lucy started to kiss him and Tim pulled away and took off Lucy shirt first he was admiring her curves and beauty he then took of her pants so she was left in her B®@ and underwear he slowly unclasped her B®@ and was started kissing her neck leaving more h!ckeys and then he made his way down to her B®£@sts and sucking on them one by one
He carried on kissing her body and leaving h!keys on her body from her neck to her belly there were h!ckeys
He stopped at the bottom of her belly and looked up at her she was looking at him, he looked back down at her legs and kissed the inside of her thigh and made his way to her undies and taking them of her started kissing her pu$$¥ and sucking all her Juices he then took his fingers and inserted them into her wet pu$$¥ and she started to moan really bad her head was back and Tim just kept moving in and out of her wet pu$$¥ Lucy kept moaning Tim then inserted His D!©k into her wet Pu$$¥ and she was riding him, they were doing that for a few hours,
When they were done Lucy fell asleep on Tims chest Tim was looking at her and was cuddling her, he was looking at her and the sun was shining on her Beautiful Face soon the sunset and Tim fell asleep with Lucy on his chest and was cuddling her tight.

Tim And Lucy Go on A Road TripWhere stories live. Discover now