Tim and Lucy go on a road trip

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The next day Lucy wakes up at 5:30am, and is thinking about everything, she stands up and goes into the bathroom, she was looking at herself in the mirror she started crying until Ellie came running in and hugging Lucy's leg, Lucy couldn't help but smile at Ellie's laugh (she had the cutest laugh) Lucy picked Ellie up and held her on her hip, "mummy" Ellie said holding onto her teddy, "yes baby?" Lucy replied,
"Were is dada?" Ellie asked,
"Well dada is going to be gone for awhile you will still see him but he won't be coming home,"why?" Ellie asked confused,
"Because your dada just needs sometime alone" Lucy said lieimg to Ellie because she didn't want Ellie to be upset, "why? I thought he loved us" Ellie said starting to cry,
"He does he loves you I promise, he just is having a hard time"Lucy said
"How about we go see Dada?" Lucy added
"Yes pls" Ellie replied and Lucy wiped her tears away, "so what do you want to wear today?" Lucy said to Ellie,
*Time skip a two hours* (it's now 7:30)
"Els" Lucy shouted,
Ellie came running in "yes mama?"
"Can you pls grab a towel" Lucy said
"Okay" Ellie said and grabbed Lucy a towel Ellie passed Lucy the towel, Lucy put the towel around her and got out the shower, Ellie was looking at Lucy and saw a little cut which was bleeding badly, "mama your hurt" Ellie said pointing to the cut,
"It's nothing baby, don't worry about it" Lucy replied trying to hide it,
"Do you need a plaster?" Ellie asked
"Yeah pls baby" Lucy said, Ellie ran off to the kitchen to grab Lucy a plaster
Lucy was getting dry and texted Tim if they could come over for a bit because Ellie misses him Tim said they could and then Ellie walked in and said "here" Ellie then stuck the plaster on Lucys cut, (the cut was on Lucy's thigh so you couldn't see it, "thank U baby" Lucy said and kissed Ellie on the head, Ellie was sta on the sofa with her teddy, Lucy got dressed and brushed her teeth, she called Ellie in to brush her teeth, Ellie then went and sat back on the sofa and was watching her favourite show, Lucy came out of the bathroom and was asking Ellie what she should put her hair like Ellie came back into Lucy's room and looked at her outfit "mama looking hot" Ellie spoke and Lucy was laughing at her, "what I only spoke the truth" Ellie said which made Lucy laugh more, Lucy then did her hair and was about to start on her makeup and Ellie interrupted and said "mama don't need makeup"
"I do Els don't lie you know I hate lairs" Lucy spoke
"I know but I wasn't lieing about it" Ellie spoke,
"You really think so?" Lucy asked unsure
"Yeah" Ellie said,
"Thanks baby" Lucy said,
"It's okay mama" Ellie said, Lucy didn't put makeup on and went to pack a bag because she knows Ellie gets hungry, so she packed: snacks, water, A waterproof coat for Ellie, her purse, Phone, Ellie's iPad ( they were going over to Ang's but Tim's first) some toys, and Ellie's teddy.
Lucy turned the TV off and picked Ellie up and put her shoes on and then put her own shoes and coat on, she picked up the bag and Ellie locked the house and went down to her car, they drove to Tim's and were singing in the car over.
*At Tim's*
Tim woke up and kissed ...... They made breakfast and had a shower together Tim got the text from Lucy and told ..... And she said that she had to go anyways. ..... Left and went home Tim tied the house up and sat on the sofa waiting for Lucy, soon there was a knock on the door and Tim went to open it and Kojo was stood behind him, Tim opened the door and Ellie was on Lucy's hip and they were drenched from the rain, Tim invited them in and Lucy put her bag down and took her drenched coat of Ellie ran upto Kojo and he was licking her face, Kojo then Smelt Lucy and was licking her, Tim was laughing at her, Tim then picked Ellie up and Lucy was stuck with Kojo, They were both laughing at Lucy and went to sit on the sofa, soon Ellie was running around Tim's house with Kojo chasing her she was Laughing,
"So what you doing for the rest of the day?" Tim asked Lucy,
"Well we are going to Ang's to hang out with the twins and the Nyla and James are coming over with Leah and Lyla later on, "sounds like fun" Tim spoke in a sad tone "what you doing?" Lucy asked Tim "nothing", Tim replied, Ellie then came running in and jumped on to the Sofa and Kojo jumped up and was attacking Tim,
"KOJO" Tim spoke Jokingly, Ellie and Lucy were laughing, Lucy then said "can I use the bathroom pls?"
"Ofc", Tim replied,
Lucy stood up and walking to the bathroom, and Tim sat Ellie on his Knee and said "so what you and Mummy been upto?"
"Nothing much but she does have a cut on her leg and I am worried about it, it looked pretty deep and it was bleeding alot" Ellie said starting to tear up, Tim hugged Ellie and said "is she okay?"
"Yeah I think so" Ellie said,
"Good" Tim said,
Ellie then ran off and was being chased by Kojo, Lucy walked back and sat back on the sofa, Tim looked at her and said "were did you get your cut from?"
"What cut?" Lucy spoke confused,
"On your thigh, Luce you know I hate it when you cut yourself"
"I know and that's why I didn't cut myself," Lucy said,
"So if I look at it and it looks like a Sh scar then you Get taken to Therapy and if it doesn't then you don't?" Tim asked
"Yeah sure" Lucy spoke worried about it,
"Okay let's see it then", Tim asked,
"Tim it's on my thigh", Lucy said
"Yeah and it's not like I haven't seen you naked before and it's not like Ellie hasn't seen you naked aswell" Tim said,
"Fine" Lucy spoke and pulled her pants down so you could see it, Tim moved closer to Lucy and was looking at the wound, he said "okay that doesn't look like one but it does need treating or it will get infected," Tim said looking at Lucy,
"Yeah I will do it later" Lucy said rolling her eyes,
"No Luce I am doing it now" Tim spoke and stood up and went to grab the stuff, he came back and sat Infront of Lucy,
He was inspecting the wound closer and then held her thigh and was cleaning it, Lucy kept wincing from the pain so Tim held her hand, he carried on Cleaning it and then put a big plaster on it and then looked at Lucy and said "all done",
"Thanks" Lucy said smiling at Tim,
"It's okay" Tim spoke, he then stood up and put some Big plasters in Lucys bag, Lucy pulled her pants back up and sat back down,
Tim sat next to her and said "you okay now?"
"Yea thanks" Lucy said,
A few hours go bye and Lucy said "
sh!t the time we have to go", Lucy stood up quickly, "Els" Lucy shouted,
Ellie came running out and said "yeah?"
"We're going to be late" Lucy put her coat on and shoes and picked her bag up, Ellie gave Tim a big hug and Tim said "I love you my little Angel"
"I love you too daddy" Ellie gave Tim a kiss and then let Lucy put her coat on, Lucy gave Tim a big hug and said "thank U for this it means a lot to her"
"Your welcome, you can come over anytime, if you want to talk or anything,"
"Thanks" Lucy picked Ellie up and left,
Tim sat on the sofa and was thinking about Lucy and Her Body and her Personality and everything else,
*With Lucy* she went around to Ang's house,
She walked with Ellie upto her door and walked in, "Lucy Chen", Ang spoke, "yes?" Lucy asked,
Lucy took her coat off and Ellie's and then took her shoes off and put her bag down, Ang then dragged Lucy to the Living room and Ellie went to play with the twins, "you have been to Tims house?", Ang asked
"No why would you say that?" Lucy asked
"You and Ellie both smell like Tim"Ang
"Maybe just popped over because Ellie misses him"Lucy said,
"Wait wait wait what else happened?" Ang said interested,
"Well basically Ellie spotted this deep cut this morning and told Tim so he made me pull my pants down so he could see it and then he dressed the wound and cleaned," Lucy spoke,
"Tell me more" Ang said,
A few hours go bye and Nyla has just arrived, Ang grabs Nyla's arm and drags her to the sofa, "tell Nyla everything" Ang said,
Lucy told Nyla,
"So wait you think Tim is seeing someone?" nyla asked
"Yeah it smelt like a women had just been there and there were girls underwear in his bathroom" Lucy spoke,
"You sure they weren't yours?",
Nyla asked
"I am sure I only have red, blue, black,and white  Lingerie wear not fricking Green," Lucy said,
"Okay this is Sus" Ang said,
"So my plan is...... Got it" Ang said
"Yes" Lu+Nyla
"Okay let's do it," Ang said,
*At Tim's house*
Tim Waited for ..... To get there, when she arrived he let her in and they ordered food and cuddled on the sofa, soon there was a knock on the door, Tim went to the door and opened it, then ang came in and Went to his Living room and there she saw.......

Tim And Lucy Go on A Road TripWhere stories live. Discover now