Tim and Lucy go on a road trip

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*in the morning*
It was 4:30am and Lucy woke up and ran to the bathroom, she was throwing up in the toilet,Tim woke up and heard Lucy in the bathroom, he jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom were he saw Lucy on the floor and had her head over the toilet and was throwing up, Tim crouched down next to her and was rubbing her back with one hand and he held her hair up with the other hand,
Lucy was done Throwing up, She turned around to face Tim and had tears in her eyes, Tim looked at her worried and said"Baby what's wrong?" Very sympatheticly,
Lucy replied with a really sad voice and a tear rolling down her face and said "I just hate being sick,"
Tim put his hand on Lucy's cheek and was rubbing it, "it will be okay you only have a few more days before you should be over it, and I will be here every step of the way" Lucy hugged Tim and then pulled back and Tim added "you ready to go back to bed and cuddle?"
Next second Lucy turned back around and started to throw up again, Tim Was rubbing her back again and said "this must be a really bad one"
Lucy just nodded because she was throwing up still,
Lucy was throwing up every few minutes,
*One hour later*
Lucy hadn't Thrown up in 15 minutes so Tim got up of the floor and Went to the bedroom he layed out Some clean PJ's, he went and made her and ofc himself some coffee, he placed the coffees on either side of the Nightstand and made the bed to wear Lucy can get straight into it, he got a bowl and put it next to the bed, He went back into the bathroom And Lucy was still over the toilet, He went over to her and helped her get undressed, he got himself undressed, they went into The shower together, Tim washed his hair and washed his body then he got Lucy under the warm running water and put shampoo into her hair and helped her wash it out, He then conditionered the ends and washed them out and washed her body, after a few minutes of Tim hugging Lucy from behind holding her Small small Bump, Tim got out and wrapped a towel around himself and brushed his teeth and got into some Fresh PJ's,(Shorts and no Shirt) He then helped Lucy get out and helped her dry of, He then Blow dryed her hair and Was watching her brush her teeth and do her skincare,
When Lucy was done she turned to Tim and said "Thank U"
"For what Baby?" Tim asked
"Everything, Looking after me and the little Sprout, Helping me when ever I need it, if I wan to be alone you let me, believing in me, Never douting my decision, and more" Lucy said
And Tim walked over to her and hugged her, he then whispered into her ear "Anytime baby" He pulled out the hug and picked her up,
He carried her to bed and placed her down, And tucked her in And placed her blanket over her and got in the other side, They cuddled up to each other and Watched a movies all day, Turns out Ang and Nyla were having a bad day too they were throwing up constantly,
A few days Later they Flew home and Told Everyone about there pregnancys and had a Gender reveal together and Ang was having a Baby boy and Girl Lucy was having a Baby Girl and Nyla was having a baby girl,
A few months later they all gave birth, Nyla gave birth to her beautiful baby Girl on the 17th of November, and Named her Leah (just like in the Show)
Ang had a C-section on the 19th of November and she Called them Emilia (because her Mum died) and Zayn,
Lucy Gave birth to a beautiful Baby girl On the 20th of November and Called her Ellie,
They all Celebrated The birth of them all and Had days out Going to the beach with each other and shopping and more,
One day Lucy was coming back from going Shopping with The girls and She was Pushing Ellie upto there house (Hers and Tim's) and opened the door and Took her shoes off and got Ellie out the Pram and She closed the door She could hear something going from upstairs so put Ellie down in her Basket (Ellie is Asleep)
She grapped her G*n and Went upstairs, she searched the upstairs and Finally got to Ellies room and She pushed the door open and It was ...................
Tim was painting the Walls Pink in Ellie's Room because Lucy wanted them Painting, She walked in and put her G*n down, and Tim said "sorry did I scare you?"
"Yeah you did I thought someone broke into the house" Lucy replied with and sighed in relief,
"Sorry Baby" Tim said and stood up walking over to her and kissed her on the lips, They painted the rest of Ellie's room and Watched a movie and Ordered out,
They did Ellie's  night routine which is
Tims bathes Ellie's and gets her Ready and Lucy feeds her and Sings her to sleep Tim always sits outside the bedroom door and Listens to Lucy sing,  Lucy then goes and tucks Tamara in and Lets Kojo go to the bathroom they did there night routines and Lucy let Kojo back in, Kojo Followed Lucy in There room and he jumped on to there bed, Lucy snuggled into Tim's chest and Kojo layed behind Lucy's legs, they all fell asleep,
It was all normal, until one day.......

Tim And Lucy Go on A Road TripWhere stories live. Discover now