Tim and Lucy Go on A Road trip

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The next morning Tim's alarm went off and Tim woke up and quickly turned it off because he didn't want Lucy to wake up luckily Lucy didn't wake up and Tim cuddled her again stroking her hair and kissing her head
Next minute Lucy shot up and ran to the Bathroom and Throw up Tim ran after her and picked her hair up and was rubbing her back asking if she felt okay,
After Lucy stopped throwing up she turned around and was facing Tim and she hugged him tightly he was stroking the back of her head and he pulled her face to facing him and he kissed her on the nose and she giggled
Tim was smiling because he loved when she laughs he was admiring her,he soon picked her up and sat her on the counter and was whipping her face and said "so why do you keep throwing up?"
"I don't know, I just haven't felt well in a while"Lucy said with a sad face
"Oh baby come here" Tim said picking Lucy up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and had her hands on his chest looking at him he places her on the bed and goes to get some shorts on so he walks over to the wardrobe and grabs some boxers and long shorts and he then looks at Lucy and says "what do you want it wear?"
"Erm can you grab me my Light blue ripped Demin shorts and my frilly white top pls and some underwear"Lucy asks
"Yes ofc baby" Tim replys and grabbed them out and asked Lucy "do you want to join me in the shower?" Tim asked while looking at Lucy and closing the wardrobe doors and walking to the bathroom with his and Lucys clothes Lucy said "yesss!!" Very excitedly and she ran after Tim into the bathroom Tim places there clothes down and picked Lucy up instead and carried her into the fancy shower and kissing her passionately they had a shower and had a bit of fun and then got out Lucy got out first and she wrapped a towel around herself and grabbed Tim's towel and was teasing him until he walked out the shower and came behind Lucy and was trying to take her towel off her but it didn't work they ended up playing fighting Lucy ran out the bathroom with her towel knowing tim can't come out because the curtains were open so she ran through the hotel room giggling until Tim grabbed another towel and quickly got dried and dressed and ran out the bathroom after Lucy he ran after her and she was giggling and Tim tackled her and they were playing fighting until Lucy said "Timmy pls no" Lucy screamed playfully while laughing,
"No chance you deserve this" Tim said while tickling Lucy and she was like dieing of laughter she had tears streaming down her face of laughter
Until Tim picked her up and took her back to the bathroom and letting her go because they were meeting Angela in 30 minutes and Lucy still had to do her hair and makeup, Tim was brushing his teeth while Lucy was getting dressed when Tim was done brushing his teeth Lucy then brushed hers and Tim was stood behind her hugging her and kissing her neck,
Lucy then was done brushing her teeth so started to do her hair and makeup Tim was watching her and took a picture to put on his Instagram story, he took the picture and put
'I get why we're always late'
And posted it after Lucy was done with her hair she moved on to her makeup and she finished that and sprayed some perfume on herself,
Angela knocked on the door with Wesley, Lucy and Tim walked out hand in hand and they walked down to there cap Angela, Lucy and Tim sat in the back and Wesley sat in the front with the driver.

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