Tim and Lucy go on a Road trip

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Lucy takes a bite of her food and a few seconds later she runs to the bin and throws it up Tim ran after her, he rubbed her back and said "you sure your okay?"
"Yea I think so" Lucy replied with
"You done?" Tim questioned
"Yea hopefully" Lucy said while her and Tim walked back to there table
"Lu you okay?" Ang asked
"Yea just a bit of travel sickness" Lucy said but she has been having it for a few days now, Lucy took another bite of her food and ran back to the bin,
Tim followed her again and was rubbing her back, "Luce your not fine"Tim said worriedly
"I think it's just stress" Lucy said and they walked back to the table again Tim said "Lu you done?"
"Yea" Lucy replied with so Tim took there food and put it in the bin, Ang asked " Lu I need the toilet can you come with me pls"
"Yea ofc" Lucy said smiling
Lucy and Ang stood up while on the way they were talking Ang questioned "Lucy how long have you been sick for?"
"Idk a few days now, I think it's from stress" Lucy said
"Lucy I think you might be PREGNANT"Ang said in an excited voice,
"no I can't be"Lucy said now overthinking the situation
"And why can't you be pregnant?"
Ang asked confused
"Because.. Idk"Lucy said
"Well let's get you a pregnancy test than" Ang said while walking to the Pharmacy
"If I'm doing it then you are too" lucy said excited
"No but I can't be pregnant"Ang said not wanting to do it
"And why?"Lucy asked
"Idk I just can't"Ang said still not wanting to do it
"Plss for me"Lucy pleaded
"Fine" Ang said and they went in to the pharmacy and brought pregnancy tests each they walked to the bathrooms, while in the Bathrooms
Ang said"okay you go first"
"Why me?" Lucy said not wanting to take it
"Because...just go in and pee on it"Ang said
"Fine" Lucy said and walks into the bathroom stall she pees on it and Ang shouts over the stall "so what if you are pregnant?"
"What do you mean?"Lucy said confused
"Well what will Tim think about it?"Ang asked
"Idk, but I hope he would be happy"
Lucy shouts back over
"True"Ang said while Lucy walked out the bathroom stall and washed her hands, Ang asked "so where is it?"
"In my pocket"Lucy said back
"Why is it in there you just peed on it?"Ang asked grossed out "idk I panicked"Lucy said and Ang laughed
"Okay your turn" Lucy added
"Fine" Ang said walking into the bathroom stall and sitting down, she took the test and put it in her pocket aswell, she flushed and walked out,she washed her hands and they put there tests faced down on ths counter and started talking about what Tim and Wesley would do and if they are then how to suprise them,after ten minutes they both looked at each lther with concerned looks on there faces and they both turned there tests over at the same time and it said.........................................

Tim And Lucy Go on A Road TripWhere stories live. Discover now