Tim and Lucy go on a road trip

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Angela and Lucy left for there appointment.
(With Tim)
Tim got the courage to go to Wesley next door so he got his key card and phone and walked next door, he knocked on the door and Wesley came and answered it,
Wesley said *hey mate do you want to come in and watch the game with me?"
"Yea sure"Tim replied and walked in and they say down on the sofa and watched the game they both supported the same team so both were bonding.
(With Ang and Luce)
They walked down to there cab and drove to the hospital,
*At the hospital*
They walked in and said to the receptionist "an appointment for Angela Lopez and Lucy Chen pls"
"Oh yes for an ultrasound and to see when the due date is?"
"Yes that's it"Lucy Replied
"Okay pls go to floor 3 and make two lefts and one right and it should be there and just wait in the waiting room"the receptionist said while smiling
"Okay thank U"Lucy said and they walked to the elevators and went in,
They are now on the third floor and Ang said"what you hoping it is?"
"I don't mind but I would really want to see Tim as a girl dad I think he would be so good because he is amazing with Tamara but I don't mind, how about U"
"True Tim has always been good with kids but there was this one time and it was a little girl and she was lost and Tim picked her up and comforted her and didnt leave her side until we found her mum so Tim really is good with kids but I really want a boy but I don't mind I don't think Wesley does either so we're all good"Ang replied smiling,
"Wel..."Lucy started to talk but got interrupted by the nurse calling Lucy for hers"Miss Lucy Chen,"
Lucy walked upto The nurse and Lucy said "can my friend come Into pls?"
"Ofc I also have her straight after you so we can get you both done one after another" the nurse said leading them to the room,
"Okay pls sit down"the nurse asked
Lucy sat down and Ang pulled a chair up next to her and held her hand,
"Okay lift your shirt pls"the nurse asked Lucy did as she asked and pulled her shirt up Lucy hadn't really started to show yet,
"Okay so this will be cold"the nurse said putting the gel on Lucy's  stomach and started to move it around and on the screen Lucy saw her little bean in her stomach Ang was admired by it and how small the baby looked,
"Okay so there's the little bean and you are 8 weeks pregnant, and the due date is November 24th,"the nurse said and Lucy and Ang started to get excited,
Lucy got of the seat/bed thingy,
And Ang got on it and Lucy held Angs hand "okay same with you old lift your shirt,"the nurse asked Ang and she did "okay this is going to be cold", ang jumped when she applied the Gel and Lucy started laughing,
Ang slapped Lucy playfully on the arm and they both turned to the screen and the nurse started to move it around and they saw the baby Until the nurse kept searching around more and found............

Tim And Lucy Go on A Road TripWhere stories live. Discover now