Tim and Lucy go on a road trip

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The stood up and Angela handed Wesley the box and Wesley stood up and Looked at her confused, "what is this???"
"Just open it" Ang said with tears in her eyes, Wesley opened the box and it said 'we will see you in November Dad' Wesley picked up the scan and saw two babies and hugged Angela Tightly, Lucy and Nyla are Filming,
Wesley and Angela Kissed and Wesley said "I can't believe your pregnant I thought you couldn't get pregnant" Wesley said crying,
"Same I thought the same" Ang replied and the others got up and Hugged them, and said congratulations,
The others went and sat back down and Wesley was hugging Ang because she was sat between his legs and he had his hands on her belly stroking it,
Wesley asked "So why are Lucy and Nyla got the boxes too?"
"Erm you can't tell anyone but there also pregnant both of them and are surprising There men too" Ang said and Wesley was in shock "so do you all have the same due dates?"
"No Lucy's is The 24th of November and mine is the 21st of November and Nylas is The 19th of November so all near each other"ang said smiling at Wesley,
"so do you know the genders of the little beans?" Wesley asked,
"No not yet but soon" Ang said
"I think you all are going to be great dads, Tim has always wanted Children but Isabel never wanted kids and neither did Ashley and Rachel never lasted long, but Lucy is different as soon as he saw her he knew just like I did with you,"Ang added
"Yeah I can't wait to be a dad, who is going next?" Wesley asked
"So basically our plan is Nyla does it and later tonight Lucy does it so it's not suspicious,"Ang said
"So are we like the lie tellers?"Wesley asked
"Yeah we need to tell him that Lucy is not pregnant and lucky Lucy hasn't really started showing so it's a good thing"
"Yeah" Wesley said
An hour later Nyla stood up and walked over to Lucy and sat next to her, "Lu"
"Yeah?" Lucy asked
"Iam scared" Nyla said
"Why?" Lucy said in a nice way
"Because what if he doesn't want kids" Nyla said and Lucy pulled Nyla in for a hug and said "he will and if he doesn't then he will have to deal with it because if he doesn't and breaks up with you he has me and Ang to go through so don't worry about it" Lucy said still hugging Nyla
Tim was in shock "your pregnant aswell?"
"Yeah me and Ang are" Nyla said
"WAIT WAIT WAIT Lu princess are you pregnant?" Tim said in a happy voice
"No sorry baby" Lucy said and kissed Him,
"It's okay we'll keep trying" Tim said abit upset,
Nyla got up and Lucy said "you ready?"
"Yeah I think so" Nyla said
"I have to go talk to Ang for a second"
Nyla added and walked upto Ang and Wesley,
"Hey you okay?" Ang added
"Yeah but I was just talking to Lucy about the baby and Tim heard and asked Lucy if she was pregnant and Lucy said no but when he said it he was so happy and when she said no he turned really sad" Nyla said
"Well he has wanted kids longer then me or James have so" Wesley said
"Yeah wait James wants kids?" Nyla said
"Yeah he always has" Wesley added
Nyla sighed in relief,
"Okay well I am going to tell him now" Nyla said really excited,
"Okay good luck"Wesley said,
Nyla walked over to James and said "baby"
"Yeah"James replied and turned around to Nyla stood with the same box James Jumped up and Quickly opened it and looked at Nyla with tears in his eyes "yo-your pregnant" James said happyly and he picked the onesie out,
"Yea are you happy?" Nyla asked
"Yeah" James said jumping up and down, He stopped Jumping up and down and hugged Nyla tightly, he kissed her and (Lucy and Ang recored it) the others walked over and Hugged eachother, Tim looked sad that Lucy wasn't pregnant(he thought), "you will get a child one day Tim" Ang said,
"Yea I know it takes Tim and it's not Lucy's fault" Tim said and He hugged Lucy tightly, and then kissed her on the head, The others walked back to there area and Nyla and James sat down and we're happy, They were all eating and Lucy brought up a conversation and she started with "are you mad?"
"No why?" Tim asked
"Because of That Ang and Nyla are pregnant but Iam not"
"Baby I would never be angry about that I might be a bit upset but I am not angry with you because it's not your fault and stuff like this takes Tim," Tim said cupping Lucys face,
Ang and Nyla knew she was going to do it because she texted them before she brought Up the convo
*With Nyla and James*
"Wait is Lucy pregnant aswell?" James asked
"Yeah she is but she told Tim she wasn't so it would be a surprise"Nyla replied
"Well are you all due in the same month?" James questioned
"Yeah mine is the 19th Ang's is the 21st and Lucy's is the 24th",
*With Lucy and Tim*
"Tim"Lucy said
"Yeah?"Tim said
Tim turned his head and saw Lucy stood with a box for him Tim started crying (of happiness) Lucy cried aswell, Tim was crying and looked at Lucy and she was crying so with his thumb he Wiped her tears and Lucy handed him the box, Tim opened it and saw the Picture and The onesie and said "your due in November?"
"Yeah It's going to be just like you" Lucy said,
"What day?" Tim asked
"The 24th Ang's is the 21st and Nyla's is the 19th" Lucy said Tim was still crying, Ang came over and Hugged Tim, she had tears in her eyes because she had never seen Tim Cry that much, She hugged Tim and then gave Lucy a big hug then Nyla and the others hugged them and Lucy, Nyla and Ang Did a group hug, they all started to jump up and down of excitement, they all had one hour left on the beach so the others went and sat back down, Nyla and James where hugging, Ang was asleep on Wesleys Lap and He put a Blanket over her and was watching the sea,
*With Tim and Lucy*
"You happy?" Lucy asked
"Really happy Princess, I really thought you weren't," Tim said,
"WAIT that's why you kept throwing up" Tim added,
"Yea" Lucy said,
"I thought you were really sick and I was worried,"Tim said,
"Oh Baby I wasn't I was just sick of the little blob in my tummy," Lucy said
"Why little blob why not little bean?" Tim said laughing
"Because It's a little blob right now"Lucy replied, Lucy sat on Tim's lap and he was hugging her,
They went back to the hotel, Wesley carried Ang, they went into there hotel rooms and Wesley put ang to bed and got in with her and fell asleep,Nyla got into bed after putting her pjs on a and you could kinda see her baby bump, she got into bed and James layed down next to her and she laid between his legs and James was hugging her tightly,
*With Tim and Lucy*
They walked in and Lucy put her PJ's on and got straight into bed, Tim walked out the bathroom and was shirtless Lucy was looking Tim up and down, Tim climbed onto the bed and layed down in between Lucy's legs
And started to talk to the baby in Lucy tummy, he was talking about how lucky they were to have a mum like Lucy and how sweet she is and more, after Tim was done Lucy started singing to the baby and Tim was watching her, after they finished they cuddled up and fell asleep.

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