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Ian's POV-
I'm finally falling asleep after what felt like forever. Micks been asleep on my chest for about an hour now, I've just been entertained by the slight twitches and noise scrunches he does in his sleep, he does it all the time but I never tell him, I just rub his back and he eventually relaxes.

Mickeys POV-
"No get off, DAD LET GO" I scream, my voice horse from crying. He keeps swinging and swinging like he's possessed by something.
I can't move. Im watching my husband get beat by my dad and I can't move. I feel my throat closing and my hearts beating so fast I feel sick. It's like I'm drowning and I'm getting further and further away from them. Blood keeps spurting out with every, hard, angry hit.
I can't breathe. Mandy's here? She's crying too. Her eyes are swollen and bruised.
"Please.." I mutter, in pathetic attempts to stop what's happening. He turns to me, he stands off Ian and I'm met with his face, it's unrecognisable. He comes closer, I still can't move. Mandy's sobs are getting louder, shit.
He's here.

3rd person-

Mickeys grips onto Ian's T shirt so tight his finger tips turn white, his face is white and clammy and there's streams of tears running down his cheeks, leaving a pool on Ian's pyjama top.

Ian's POV-

"I- sto- no,"
I rub micks back and try to stay asleep. But he starts moving a lot more and breathing really fast, I open my eyes and look down, his cheeks are red and wet. "Hey,mick" I say panicking.
Mickey grips onto my shirt and I push his hair out his face, and try to wake him up.
"Mick, Mickey!" I say louder now. I can feel his heart thumping against my chest. I've seen him have a nightmare but not like this, not in a long time. I sit up against the headboard and he's gripping me so tight he comes up as I do.
I grab the back of his neck and start shaking him, desperate for this to stop. He looks so scared.

3rd person-

Suddenly Mickey inhaling sharply, so sharp it hurts his chest, his eyes spring open and dart around the room frantically.
"hey, hey, you're okay, I go you." Ian held Mickey close and kissed him on the head.
When Mickey pulled back he looked at Ian, examining him and himself then looking round frantically.
"Wha- , I don't -" Mickey wheezed breathlessly .
"You're fine. I promise." Ian wiped the tears of mickeys cheek.
"Sit up." Ian lifted Mickey and they both sat up more on the bed, Mickey still extremely confused.
Ian passed him the bottle of water from the night stand but Mickey shook his head, then went to get up.
"Mick?" Ian grabbed his cold wrist and tried to stop him but he squirmed out the hold and ran to the bathroom.

Mickeys POV-
What the fuck. I can't breathe, I still don't know what's going on. I lock the door then lean on the counter, starting at myself in the mirror. Another nightmare? I thought they were over.
I splash my face and then I hear Ian at the door. "Mick, it was a nightmare, everything's okay, I promise." His voice is gentle and calm, but i hear the concern.
I just want to open the door and hold him. But i can't . How can a grown ass man be having nightmares like that?
"Mickey please, come drink some water and lie down. I just want make sure you're okay."
I staring crying again. Shit.
Then a few tears turn into a full sob. Shit. Stop.
Ian try's the door a few times and he's saying something but I still can't breathe and I think I'm gonna be sick.  I lean forward and open the door, I just feel these arms wrap around me urgently, these warm safe arms. I don't remember much after that.

Ian's POV-
My heart is breaking. I'm just holding him as he sobs into my neck. His shoulders shuddering up and down and I can tell he can't catch his breath.
"Breathe slow Mick." I stay rubbing his back, tears well up in my eyes.
I pull away. "Look at me, look at me." I hold his face, he's so pale and his breathes are sallow. He can't pass out. Anything but pass out.
"You need to breathe Mick, try okay, calm down." I hold my hand up to his chest and get him to follow my breathing. Finally he starts to calm a little bit. He's coughing between crying and he falls back into the crook of my neck.
"Good, well done." I stand there until he wants to pull away.

Mickeys POV-

Everything feels unreal. I couldn't calm down, I just couldn't. I'm with Ian though. He's okay. I'm okay. Mandy. I need to know if Mandy's okay. I pull away and see tears falling down his face. I want to apologise.
"Mandy." I whisper. "Is Mandy okay?"
He looks confused for a second. Then take his phone out his pocket. He then puts it to his ear and smiles. "Fuck do you want Gallagher, it's 4 in the mornin" I hear a confused, tired little sister threw the phone and instantly let out laugh of relief, Ian smiles.
"Hey Mands, sorry I'll explain tomorrow, go back to sleep." Ian puts the phone down and holds my face again.
"Everything's okay I promise, he can't hurt you." The last part was a whisper, how did he know? I mean I guess all my nightmares were about Terry so no supirse this one was too.
This one felt to real and I just couldn't shake it.

3rd person-
Ian took Mickeys shaking  hand and lead him to the bed again, he patted the stop they were previously lying in and Mickey crawled in.
"Let's get some rest aye?" Ian handed Mickey the water and this time he took a few gulps and then nodded.
Ian smiled thoughtfully as Mickey put  his head on his chest, Ian played with Mickeys hair until he felt the exhaustion knock Mick out, he didn't fall asleep for a while, he was too worried, there was nothing worse than watching the person you love the most be in pain like that. Nothing.
Eventually they both fell back to sleep and then stayed in bed the whole next day. Also explaining to Mandy the reason they called so late. She was concerned but knew Ian had it handled.

1099 words.

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