Sick mickey

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Gallavich - sick Mickey

Sunday morning in Ian and Mickeys apartment:

6:00am Ian gets up, he puts on some joggers and a T-shirt then goes to the kitchen to turn on the lights. Ian's pretty much always the first one up and he takes the time in the morning to go to the gym because if Mickey wakes up he won't like him go. Ian's tried to get them to go together but it's not really Mickeys thing, he only did it to pass time in prison and Juvie. They would occasionally go together but Mickey would just end up watching Ian.Both of them had good body's: Ian's was more toned now since getting his job back as an EMT he's much slimmer  like he was when he was younger, Mickeys body is more broad, but still he's a lot smaller than Ian, got some good abs though.

Ian decides to sneak out and not wake Mickey because he knew he would end up back in bed with him, and he knew Mickey 100% wouldn't come because he hadn't been feeling well the last couple of days. So Ian just made a protein shake and headed to the local gym.
His workout was about 2 hours, it was good, he always felt better after blowing off some steam in the gym, he loved his job but it was so much more stressful than unpacking boxes.Mickey was working as a mechanic at the car dealers. He was good at it and it earned good money so it was fine.

On his way home Ian picked up his prescription meds from the drug store, as well as some more medication for Mickey and spare for the future. It was around half 8 now and he walked through the apartment door and placed his stuff on the kitchen counter then headed to the bathroom for a shower. The bathroom was connected to the couples bedroom so as he walked in he looked over at the heap of blankets on the bed that he thought Mickey was under. But, when Ian opened the door to the bathroom he was startled by Mickey kneeling over the toilet, gripping the seat with his hands , throwing up.shit.
Ian stood there for a second before he registered what was happening.
"Shit Mick" Ian said kneeling down next to Mickey to rub his back.Mickey had heard Ian come in but couldn't stop throwing up so just accepted this is how he was gonna find him.
Mickey looked at Ian his face white and eyes red.
"You ok?" Ian said as he pushed Mickeys hair out his face.
Mickey didn't even move his arms, just put one thumb up from where it was still clutching onto the toilet.
" you finished?" Ian asked trying not to look into the toilet or breathe through his noise.
As he asked Mickey span back round and threw his head back into  the toilet once again.
"Guess not " Ian said grimacing and still rubbing mickeys back, which was cold and clammy through his vest.
"Hey." Mickey whispered, his voice all horse and rough.
"Sorry." Is all he could manage.
"No," Ian said shaking his head "it's fine, let's just um-" he looked at Mickey and saw his eyes: heavy and he was blinking slowly.
"Let's just get you in bed yeh?"
Mickey nodded and Ian helped him to his feet so he could drink some water.
He reached over and flushed the toilet and then passed the cup of water over to his husband.
"You're all sweaty, have a good workout ?" Mickey asked trying to steady the cup in his shaky hands.
"Yeh it was good thanks" Ian looked up and smiled quickly but he was more concerned about Mickey. He didn't get sick too often, but when he did it was bad.

"Do u feel a bit better now ?" Ian said taking his shirt off.
"Yeh, I'll be fine for a bit I think."
"How many times did u throw up?" Ian asked, Turing on the water to get the right temperature.
" that was the second time."
Ian's head shot up from the taps and he looked at Mickey concerned.
"Mick, why didn't u call me?" His voice was soft and comforting.
Mickey shrugged and got undressed he had felt ill all weekend and could tell he was eventually gonna be sick.

"Right," ian said drying his hands after washing them in the sink.
"Come on"
Mickey had brushed his teeth and Ian had given him some different pyjamas to wear.
"Get in there and I'll be as quick as I can," Ian said patting on the bed from Mickey to climb into.
"It's freezing," Mickey muttered, his body shaking.
"You'll warm up in a sec, I promise."Ian said rubbing his shoulder through the blanket.
He got him all tucked in and placed a kiss on his forehead before going back to the bathroom to shower.

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