Mickey passes out

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I wrote this a while ago- can you tell I like when Ian looks after Mickey?
I'll be writing some where Mickey takes care of Ian though ofcccc !!

I imagine this in s4, even though that doesn't really make sense in the show, but just imagine in at whatever time you want 😂

(Ian and Mickey are sat at the milkovich kitchen table they had just finished there dinner) 20:40pm

The pair were sat at the dinner table, ian still chewing the last of his pepperoni pizza they had ordered, neither of them cooked much so they always ordered on a Friday night. They were finishing their conversation and mickey scooted back in his chair, this is what he always did when he finished eating.ian looked over at Mickey,
"You done already man, u barely ate anything?" He said as he looked down at the half eaten slice of pepperoni pizza but it was missing the pepperoni where  Mickey had just picked them all off.
"Um, yeh I'm not really hungry," Mickey grunted. He  kind of surprised himself too,he usually ate load's especially on a Friday.
Ian's face changed but he looked away so Mickey didn't see,ian just hoped he wasn't getting sick, that's the only time he ever lost his appetite.

Ian noticed Mickey hadn't talked much in a while and shot a look over at him, Mickey glanced at Ian then quickly looked away again.
"Pass me your plate I'll take it to the sink" Mickey said as he went to stand up.
Ian passed over his empty plate and continued watching breaking bad that was playing the background while they ate. But as Mickey got up his vision went blury and his head started pounding. He lent against the table and put the plates back down with a loud clatter.
Ian jumped out his skin.
"Jesus mick what the fuck?" Ian said confused.
He looked up at mickey who had both palms on the table and his head hanging down breathing weird shallow breathes.
Ian let an out a small nervous giggle,
"Mickey what you u doin?" Ian thought the plates had slipped out his hands and made him jump ....but Mickey didn't move.
"...Mickey?" Ian's voice became more concerned.
Mickey swallowed,
"hold on,"he sighed.
"What happened?"
"Give me a minute alright?" mickeys voice was quiet but serious.
He in looked up at Ian.
Ian looked back at him, his skin was wet and he was white as a ghost.
"Shit Mick"
Ian stood up and went to put a hand on Mickeys shoulder.
Mickey lent off the table and stumbled backwards.
"Woah,woah,woah, sit down" ian said as he stabled his boyfriend.
"Nah I'm good." Mickey swallowed shaking his head slowly.
"You sure?"
"Uhum" he tried to get his balance back.

Mickey could barely see, his eyes were stinging and his head was throbbing,Ian's voice became distorted and robotic and suddenly felt like he was gonna throw up.

"Think..." he swallowed..."think I'm gonna throw up." Mickey mumbled.
"What?"Ian said in a panic darting his eyes at him,then to the bathroom at the other side of the room.
As Ian started to walk Mickey to the toilet he suddenly stopped,
"Mick I swear if you puke amma murder you"
"I-" his head was foggy and he didn't know what was happening.
All Ian's words jumbled into one.

Suddenly Mickeys body goes limp in Ian's hold.
"what the fu-mick?"
"Shit" the realisation set in.
Ian wrapped his arm round mickeys waist and his head swung back violently.
His eyes had rolled into his head and his hair was drenched in sweat.
Ian tried to gently lay Mickey on the floor, it wasn't very gentle at all but better than just letting him fall.
Ian was sat on the floor with Mickeys head in his lap looking down at him worried.
"Hey,look at me."
"C'mon mick wake the hell up"
Thankfully he was coming round fast.
Ian was holding the back of Mickeys neck with one hand and with the other stroke his wet hair from his face.His hand felt cold against mickeys hot cheeks.

"Ummmm" Mickey let out a low groan.
"Hey you're alright," ian kept repeating this to reassure Mickey and himself as much as possible.
Mickey struggled to open his eyes, but he did raise his arm a little and started rubbing Ian's hand that was laying across his stomach.
Ian smiled in relief when he noticed Mickey coming round.
"Thank fuck for that." Ian sighed.
He wasn't out for long at all maybe 30 seconds. Still terrifying.
Mickey didn't really do passing out,getting sick not anything like - not just randomly so it was kinda concerning him.

Ian put his hands under Mickeys limp body and pulled him up so sit up slightly. Ian was still sat behind him so Mickey was propped up against ians chest.
Mickey was still really out of it and still going in and out of consciousness so Ian sat there for a while and just tried to keep him awake.

"Fuck I'm hot," Mickey whispered. It wasn't meant to be a whisper but that's all Mickey could manage.
"Right wait there"ian said steadily.
Like he would be able to move even if he wanted to.
Mickey propped himself up with his arms still laying back a little though.
Ian ran to the kitchen to grab the ice cubes and came back with them.
He sat back in his original position and Mickey slumped back immediately melting into his boyfriend.
Ian started rubbing the ice on Mickeys wrist, it helped a lot to cool him down and stop the sweating.

Usually in these situations Mickey would try and get away from Ian and try to hide it a lot more. However one of Mickeys fears is passing out. And that is 100% Terry's fault. The amount of times Mickey was knocked out cold as a kid by Terry was unbelievable. So now whenever he felt like his he wanted to be as close to Ian as possible.

Mickey had a lot of PTSD from his childhood but he hated talking about it. He was ashamed really. Last year things were particularly bad. Not really sure why just the way it worked. Mickey Would freak out over things like small spaces and big crowds. He also had a couple panic attacks during the summer. Mickey HATED them. Of course Ian was there for him and he was obviously amazing. But ian was only there for 2 ...Mickeys had countless.
He doesn't tell him because he feels like he just being sensitive . Ian battles bipolar disorder. Mania and depression episode's constantly and Mickey can't even handle day-to-day life? What a pussy.
Of course Ian didn't think of him like that at all but that's what Mickeys seems to believe.

Ian concluded the  reason Mickey fainted was because of lack of sleep and food. It was also SO hot that day and all he drank was coffee that morning.

Ian had turned and was now sat in front of Mickey. He wrapped his arms around the top half of his body and Mickey rested his head on Ian's shoulder. They sat like that until Ian felt Mickey head slightly start to slip off and realised he was falling asleep. He must of been EXHAUSTED. Ian scooped Mickey up and carried him to the bedroom. He helped him into bed ,pulling jeans off ,and then lay down next to him stroking his head.
" your alright now" ian said softly.
A small smile appeared between Mickeys rosey lips. His face had regained its colour and he wasn't sweating so much.
Ian put breaking bad on and Mickey rolled onto Ian placing his head on his chest listening to his steady heartbeat. It had only been about 5 minutes until Ian felt Mickeys whole body completely relax into his chest and he placed a kiss on Mickeys head. The only time Mickey was 100% relaxed was when he was sleeping next to his boyfriend. Mickeys lips had parted slightly and Ian listened to Mickeys breathing. Long and slow- like usual. And soon enough the 2 of them we knocked out cold.

Ian just hoped Mickey wasn't getting bad again.Neither of them needed that right now.

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