Film night fluff

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*all the Gallaghers including Ian and mickey Ordered a take out and all just chilled together*

Mickey gets back from work at around half 6pm, he's been at work since 5am because one of his coworkers couldn't do that day(he works as a mechanic fixing cars) so he covered their shift because they had covered him multiple times when he had to stay at home when Ian got bad. He messed around with the keys to try and get it into the door then twisted the handle and stumbled in throwing his shoes off and putting the key on the kitchen counter. He walked into to warmth of his and Ian's apartment,
"m'homee" he slurred, exhausted from the long day.
When there was no reply he went over to to couch to see Ian sleeping peacefully. Mickey smiled and looked down at him. Ian had been working since 7 and got in at about 5. Mickey lifted ians legs and placed them on his lap then rubbed his hands against Ian's legs.
"Iannn," Mickey dragged out his name.
ians eyes fluttered open and he smiled at Mickey before closing them again.
"Hey mick" he mumbled still half asleep.

Ian went back to sleep for about another half an hour while Mickey went and showered. He always came home covered in oil and dirt from his job so showered every night.He let the hot water relax his body and he felt his eyes closing, he could sleep right there still standing.
When he moped back into the living room Ian was sat up leaning his on the arm rest of the chair.
"Finally" Mickey chuckled, his dark hair dripping wet and he had just a pair of Ian's light grey joggers on.
"Those my joggers?" Ian tilted him head at Mickey who was now standing infront of the microwave in kitchen trying to sort his hair out in the reflection.
"Yeh couldn't find any of mine," he responded still focusing on his hair.

Then he grabbed two beers and plopped on the coach handing one to Ian and rubbed his eyes with his knuckles.

Ian got a notification on his phone.

LIP- hey man got the fam coming round and we're ordering Chinese food and watching a movie or sm just for a catch up. If you're free you and mick should come.

"Hey lip's invited us round" he said as he looked at Mickey.
Mickey still looking at the tv said
" for when?"
"Like now"
"Huh it's already half 7?" He looked at Ian.
" i know but he said just for food and a movie"
Mickey let out dramatic groan and Ian rolled his eyes
"c'mon it's just a get together, not a party"
Mickey shrugged then let out a huge yawn.

"You better get dressed" Ian said as he got up from the couch.
"What ? , we're going ?" Mickey looked at ian like he was mad.
"Yeh, it will be nice to see everyone and-"
"Ian please. I'm so tired." Mickey hung his head back over the side of the couch and ran his hands over his face.
" you'll wake up once we get there, c'monnnn"ian pleaded.
"UGH" Mickey grumbled as he grabbed Ian to pull him up.
He didn't put anything nice on just a grey long sleeved top and kept the joggers he was wearing on and Ian but on some joggers and a baggy black T-shirt.

" Cant believe you're making me do this" Mickey said as they left the apartment and held onto Ian's hand.
If this was a couple years ago Mickey would have straight up refused. But considering they are married and he hadn't seen the Gallaghers in a while I guess he did kind of miss them, he went.

Once they arrived they were the last ones there.There was-Lip, Tami and Fred Debbie and Franny and Carl and liam. They walked in and greeted everyone then Lip took everyone's food order.

They all talked and Mickey played with Franny for a bit and Carl was asking about the west side. Ian enjoyed being with his family again all just joking and lauging. It was now around 10 o'clock and they all decided to put a movie on. Tami brought in popcorn and drinks and everyone sat down.
Ian was sat at the end of the couch then Mickey then Liam at the other end.The rest were just dotted around the room on arm chairs and bean bags.

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