Gallavich Christmas eve

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This included their daughter too. Might be a part 2 at some point too :)

It was Christmas Eve night and Ian and Mickey were laying on the couch watching a Christmas film-

Mickey looked down at Ian who was laying on his chest, his eyes closed and mouth slightly open with the right side of his face scrunched into mickeys body, his breathing soft but Mickey could hear it. Mickey smiled and rubbed his hand along Ian's back, Ian was the one that begged for this film and he's fallen asleep. Mickey was watching the film but also scrolled on his phone at 'the boring bits'.
They had came home from walking round the Christmas markets and buying some last minute presents for people, it got cold in Chicago at Christmas , very cold. They came home after getting some food at a cafe because they didn't want Delilah getting too cold.( Delilah is their new baby girl, turning 1 in February) They are thankful to come home to a nice heated apartment and Ian got in the shower with Delilah then they both put her to bed.

A while had passed with Ian still sleeping on Mickey until he looked at his phone and saw the time- 00:00.
"Merry Christmas E" Mickey whispered into Ian's orange hair and he rubbed his face with his thumb.
Ian licked his now dry lips and squirmed a little.
"hum?" Ian groaned his eyes still closed.
"It's Christmassss" Mickey responded in an exited whisper. He never really got exited for holidays but Christmas in a new apartment with the two most important people in his life sounded perfect to Mickey.
Ian smiled and readjusted himself into mickeys body, "merry Christmas mick" he whispered into the crook of mickeys neck then kissed it softly.
"Wanna go to bed?" Mickey asked  still rubbing Ian's back up and down.
Ian shook his head and buried his head further into mickeys body.
"Come on we can't sleep here," mickey said as he he went to try and sit up.
"Nooooo" Ian finally opened his eyes and looked up at Mickey.
Mickey looked back at Ian's green eyes and freckly face, his cheeks a little red and eyes still heavy from being tired asleep.
Mickey sighed and kissed Ian on his forehead.
"No because if we fall asleep on here, you'll be fine but I'll wake up with a sore neck again"Mickey raised his eyebrows at Ian and placed a hand on his cheek.
Ian's eyes closed at Mickeys touch and be layed his head back in its original position.
"But what if De wakes up?" Ian muttered.
"We have a monitor in our room, we'll hear her," Mickey replied -both boys speaking so softly.
"But i-"
"She's fine Ian, I promise, she's taken her medicine so well and she's back to smiles and giggles all day"
Delilah had been ill recently with the temperature change, only a little baby cold but enough for them to take her to the doctor to get her some medicine , it cleared up fast and she was basically back to normal today just a little sleepy.

"Come on I'm tired, let's get in bed,"
Just then the baby monitor picked up on Delilah whining a little and Ian reached over for it.
"See." Ian said as he stood up and stretched himself out after being curled up next to Mickey.
Mickey smiled and stood up shaking the arm Ian had been laying on because it had almost gone dead.

The boys made their way to Delilah's room and as soon as she looked at her dads she was instantly smiling and reaching up to be picked up.
"See, she's fine." Mickey said in the same tone Ian said it before.
Ian pulled a face at him and lifted her out the crib, and then passed her Mickey.
"Hey baby, why you up?" Mickey whispered as he bounced her on his hip.
"I'll go make her a bottle," Ian said placing a hand on Mickeys shoulder before walking into the kitchen.
Mickey put Delilah on the changing table and changed her diaper, she was wearing a my first Christmas fluffy onesie on that Lip and Tammi bought her. It was adorable.

"Hey," Ian whispered and he crept back into the room and gave Mickey the bottle,
"Changed her diaper, and that onesie is amazing" Mickey laughed.
"I knowww" Ian laughed back.
Mickey sat in the rocking chair and started feeling Delilah, her eyes slowly closing as she lay comfortably in her dads arms.

"Amma go put in in the presents under the tree and go brush my teeth," Ian said kissing both Mickey and DeDe in the head.
Mickey just nodded and smiled as he walked out the room.

10 minutes later Ian came back into the bedroom to see Mickey asleep with his head slumped to the side, Delilah had finished eating and was snuggled into mickeys chest.
He stood In awe for a second before getting his phone out and taking a picture, he had so many pictures of moments like these.
Ian went over and placed his hand on Mickey shoulder,and Mickeys eyes blinked open, he wasn't in a deep sleep, he just nodded off.
"Good job." Ian said as he looked down at the passed out baby in his arms.
He took Delilah to lay her down in the crib,Mickey giggled and rubbed his eyes
"I like that chair,"
Ian held in his laugh so he didn't wake Delilah up and just shook his head and Mickey.
Mickey got up and made his way out the room, but stopped and stood at the door frame just admiring.
"Night princess," Ian kissed her on the cheek and looked over his shoulder to see Mickey standing there.
"She's so beautiful." Mickey replied.
He couldn't believe how lucky he was. Never would he have imagined that he would be living in an apartment on the west side with his husband and a baby.
He couldn't be happier.

Mickey gestured for Ian to follow him and so he made his was out the room closing the door behind him.
"Look," he said pointing out the window.
White snow covered the entire city, and yeh it was cold, but a different type of cold they were used to. Not sharp and uncomfortable, but nice and cozy.
Instead of police sirens and gunshots, there was peace. Red and green lights decorated the streets and yellow tinted windows from family's still awake. Just a slow beat of Christmas carols coming from the party across the street. Although they will always be "from the south side" doesn't mean they can't appreciate the west side. It took a lot of getting used to for both of them, but they felt a lot safer raising a child here.
Because just because they grew up there doesn't mean they belong there.(like Mandy said)

"It's beautiful" Ian said as he leaned into Mickey.
Mickey nodded and kissed Ian on the head
but Ian turned to face him and placed a long soft kiss on Mickeys rosy lips.
"Merry Christmas Mick"
"Merry Christmas red"
They stood and looked at each other for a while before finally going to bed.

Mickey brushed his teeth, they were already in pyjamas, matching ones actually. Ian had a white long sleeved top on with green plaited pants and Mickey had the same but red plaited pants. Cuties.

Mickey shivered as he got into the fresh bed and Ian took his shirt off and scooted right next to Mickey.
Ian spooned Mickey like always and Mickey pushed back further into Ian's warm body.
They fell asleep so fast and even Delilah slept the rest of the night.
They both couldn't wait for when Delilah was a little older to do Santa. Although it wasn't a huge thing in their houses growing up they had it for a while. Mickey mum would do it when she was around and frank and Monica did it a little bit but Fiona basically took over the whole thing.
Still they wanted it to be perfect for Delilah.

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