Ians new meds

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This is rlly long but I don't wanna split it into parts 😂
Hope u enjoy though ! Sorry for any typos

Ian stared at the email in front of him, surrounded in darkness with just the light from the screen illuminating his freckled face.
It was nighttime, some point past midnight and he was leant against the headboard of the double bed when he came across the message that explained he would need to change his medication he was taking for bipolar disorder, and to come to the clinic at 12:45 tomorrow(Wednesday).
Ian looked down at his sleeping husband,Mickey, and signed as he ran his fingers through his partners raven hair.
He ran both hands down his face before deciding to try and get some sleep before Mickey realised he was still up.

Ian struggled to get to sleep that night. New meds? This meant he might have to restart all the progress he'd made when he first started on lithium. Him and Mickey knew the routine with these meds and now they have to change? There are a lot of things Ian and Mickey are good at, but change is not one of them.He eventually fell asleep at around half 4 which meant he had 2 hours of sleep before work in the morning. Brilliant...

6:00am - Wednesday -
Ian woke up to the sound of his alarm and rubbed his eyes. He managed to force himself out of bed and go to walk to the bathroom but.
"Noooo" a low groan came from behind him as he felt a hand grasp around his wrist.
He looked behind him and at Mickey, whose hand was gripped around Ian's wrist and his eyes were closed,but he was shaking his head.
" mickk " Ian said which a slight chuckle.
"I gotta go to work" Ian said pouting out his bottom lip even though Mickey hadn't opened his eyes to look.
"Jus- get back in bed" Mickey pleaded slightly scooting to the side.
It took every bit of will power for Ian not to crawl straight back into the bed. But he knew if he did, he wouldn't get out.
"Mickey." Ian said trying to sound stern.
Mickey opened his eyes, but as soon as he looked at Ian his grip on his wrist loosened and his expression softened.
"What?" Ian said confused by Mickeys sudden change in mood.
Mickey was suddenly more awake now gently pulled Ian closer to the side of the bed,
"You okay?"Mickey asked genuinely.
Ian just nodded with his eyebrows slightly furrowed in confusion.
"Why wouldn't I be?" He followed up with.
"Well it's just-" Mickey slid his hand down to meets Ian's, whose hands were a lot bigger than his  own.
"You were kinda, well really restless last night and now you look like somethings bothering you,"
Mickey knew Ian like the back of his hand and knew when something wasn't right, sometimes even before Ian did.
"Yeah" Ian signed and Mickey looked at him straight in the eyes.
"I got an email yesterday, that I didn't read till later on, but it said that I need to change my meds"
"what do you mean ?" Mickeys face changed from concern to confusion, then back to worry when he spoke before Ian could answer,
"For bipolar, you gotta change it, why?The ones your on now are good" He was already full of questions but his tone remained calm.
"I don't know, I need to go to the clinic later on"
"Oh right" Mickey looked at Ian and the look on his face made his heart sink.
"Hey, it's alright," he squeezed his hand.
"We'll figure it out okay"
Ian just nodded and smiled slightly.
"What time do you finish work, I can come pick you up and we'll go together,"
"Really? You sure?" Ian whispered,
"Yeah, you ain't going alone" Mickey smiled.
"Okay, I finish at about 12 today"

Mickey tried to disguise his panic as much as possible, he would already tell Ian was nervous about it and didn't want to make it worse.
Things were good at the moment, they both had jobs, Ian was stable and their apartment was amazing. The problem with switching his meds would mean it's a whole new thing to get used to, there's so many side effects and problems with medication and with it being so close to Christmas, neither of them wanted anything to go wrong.

Mickey was done with work for Christmas break, but being an EMT is more strict about time off so Ian was still working.Luckily they had staff to work over Christmas so he had the week of Christmas off.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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