Chapter eleven

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Both of them got inside their room and saw the room is decorated beautifully. Jungkook glanced at Taehyung who was looking at the decorations. "Tae.." Then Taehyung looked at him.

"Hyung..Go and take a wash. I will wait here" Taehyung said sitting on the bed. Jungkook just looked at him and blinked his eyes. When Taehyung noticed Jungkook, he talked. "Hyung?" He called.

"O-Oh nothing Tae..can you help me with the zipper?" He asked going towards Taehyung. Younger one quickly got up and pulled down the zipper. Jungkook then again looked back at Taehyung to see if he is expecting to do something. But there was nothing.

"Your stuffs are already in the bathroom" Taehyung said sitting down again. Jungkook nodded his head and went inside.

After few minutes, he walked out drying his hair. He sat down on the chair in front of the dressing table, staring at Taehyung who was lying on the bed.

Is he okay?

"Ah!" Jungkook yelped when he couldn't remove his earring. He tried to get it off before shower but it was stuck so he had no other choice but to shower wearing it. Hearing his yelp, Taehyung immediately got up and walked to him. But he stopped on his track seeing Jungkook's dress. His milky thighs are exposed while his cleavage is a little bit visible.

He shook his head when he realised why he got up.

"What happened hyung? Are you okay?" He asked in concern. "Mh this earring is stuck Tae" He said showing his ear. Taehyung oh'ed and bent down to see. "I don't know with these earrings hyung..tell me how can I do it" He said touching jungkook's ear.

"Ah now I feel ease..This was heavy.." Jungkook said putting his earrings on the table. "If you told me earlier, I would have helped you hyung" Taehyung said taking his towel. "I forgot Taee..I was just sleepy" Jungkook said walking towards the bed.

Taehyung chuckled and went to take a shower.

What should I do..Oh god..I can't stand seeing hyung in that night dress..And he must not be expecting me to do something too.. how can I knoww..Aish Tae stop being a pevert..Hyung is thinking you are a gentleman..

After showering, he got into his shorts and went to their room. "Hyung?" He called when he didn't saw Jungkook anywhere. Then Jungkook appeared walking from the balcony.

Jungkook's eyes widened seeing taehyung shirtless. He gulped visibly seeing the toned body. "Are you uncomfortable? Should I put on a shirt-" "n-no no" Jungkook said sitting on the bed.

Then he looked at Taehyung who is drying his hair. He gulped again seeing Taehyung's back. Seeing How his muscles flexed.

Is he planning to not to do anything? He thought to himself.

"What are you thinking?" He was startled when he heard Taehyung's voice in front of him. He looked up at Taehyung. "Are you sure you are comfortable hyung?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook nodded his head. "I-I am Tae.."

Taehyung nodded his head and turned to walk. But stopped when his hand was held by Jungkook.

The older got up and pulled Taehyung in for a kiss. Taehyung smiled through the kiss and wrapped his arms around Jungkook tiny waist, pulling him closer.

Jungkook's arms automatically wrapped around Taehyung's neck. Then Jungkook's one hand moved down, roaming it around Taehyung's naked upper body.

Taehyung goosebumps when Jungkook's soft touches touched his bare skin. His hand rubbed Jungkook's clothed waist pulling the older to himself from time to time.

When the kiss was getting heavier, Taehyung felt Jungkook losing his balance. So he held Jungkook's both thighs and muttered "Jump" Jungkook quickly jumped on to Taehyung, holding other's neck.

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