The (yet)

250 11 15

I am not one for surprises, I find that they are just frights cancelled out by something deemed "exciting"
I'd rather just have good news delivered to me in a more pleasant way.
This however, was nowhere near as pleasant as I'd have wanted it to be.
I had never told Alma what my peculiarity is, she tried to push a little in the beginning - but despite being very shy, I can still be stubborn.

In the now, 4 months I've lived here, there have been little signs of my peculiarity but nothing big.
I often find myself staring at one object for a little longer than one would, sometimes just by looking at an object I can make it tremble a little as though the table it sits on has been bumped.
It's subtle, to subtle for anyone to really notice, and I like it that way.

This morning I sit in my room, not really focused on anything and just daydreaming while I write some nonsense poetry.
The poetry doesn't feel right, it's annoying me. Normally when I write, I leave feeling satisfied. But the words I am writing are not enough for satisfaction.
I give up.
Feeling defeated, I slam my pen down on the table and rise from my chair to go lay on my bed for awhile.

As I lay down I am determined not to fall asleep, so I stare off at the diary I was writing in, the one Alma gave me when I first arrived.
As I remember where it came from, the negative thing that I was feeling fades.
All I can think about is how precious it is to me, and while I stare at it, the detail and the rush of excitement I get over the fact that Alma, my headmistress, would give me something so gorgeous..
I stare at it with so much emotion, but I don't realise how long I'm staring at it.
The diary starts to shake a little, this is something I of course know that I can do,
However the longer I stare at it, the more my gaze seems to react in some sort of instinct.
My eyes widen in shock and surprise as the diary starts to levitate, only about an inch above my desk, but enough for it not to be supported by a single thing other than the gaze I am using against it.

My jaw hangs open as I watch, not breaking my gaze for anything, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't on the verge of tears.. I never knew I could do this, it's come as a bit of a shock to me.
I feel like I am unable to look away, I don't even realise Alma walking by in the hall. She stops and peers into my room, making sure her eyes are not deceiving her.
Alma is stunned, watching as my gaze is able to move and float my diary, even if it is only small it's still something that one wouldn't expect. how do I make it stop? What is this?

After assessing the situation, and seeing my shock, surely and slowly, she sits down beside me; she whispers softly - "shh... it's okay, it's okay.. Noelle breathe.."
I can feel small tears in my eyes, but I don't think they will fall.

Alma sees this and shushes me, rubbing my back gently.
"Noelle.. sweetheart I need you to stay calm, forgive me, as I am assuming this has never happened to you before?" She whispers, to which I shake my head.
Alma smiles, although I can't really see it.. my eyes are far to focused on my diary than anything else.

"Noelle.. I've only ever seen a few other people with this ability, I believe that you have telekinesis, in most cases Telekinesis fuels on emotion or deep feeling ."
She says softly, pausing before she continues.
"Now, if I am correct in thinking this, you should be able to release the diary by directing the telekinetic force with your hand.. I would like you to hold your hand out with the intention that you are putting your diary back down your desk" she says, keeping a tender hand on my back for comfort and support.
I follow her instructions, raising my hand in the direction of the journal with the intention of release,
I can feel her sympathy radiate through her body when she sees how violently my hand is shaking.
Sure enough, my dear journal drops back onto my desk with a muffled thud.

"Oh Noelle, oh.. good girl sweetheart, you did it! Hey.. it is all okay, I know this is new to you" she says, trying to make me look at her so she can read my face for any emotions.

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