Shy in Asking

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[- taking place in the same night in the last chapter ]

As our night of music is deemed finished and the children are asleep, Alma does one last sweep to make sure no little ears are listening -
She holds her black heels in her hands as she tiptoes back to her bedroom, the hall is utterly silent other than the small patters of her feet.
She returns, her blush appearing once again as our night is about to start.

"You little minx!" She whispers not so quietly as she closes the door slowly in case it creeks -
I giggle, making her chuckle in return.
"Pulling a stunt like that whilst I cannot kiss you?! She says, referring to the song I played for her -
her voice at normal volume now that the door is closed and locked,
"Are you.. not going to kiss me now?" I ask playfully and jokingly, a fake little pout on my face.
"Oh you think you are funny? Get over here." She says, her voice low and slightly commanding, yet still tender.
I giggle and crawl to the end of my love's bed, looking up at her as she stands tall, looking down at me.
"Stand up. Now." She commands, making my heart flutter.
"Gladly.." I say softly, standing and holding myself up.

The taller woman quickly snakes her arm around my waist, pulling me close as she forces my chin up, very quickly connecting her lips to mine -
I stumble a little, putting more of my weight against her as my hands climb to her shoulders.
I kiss her back, losing my breath to her in the process.
Alma's hand holds and grasps at my side, her other runs through my hair, pulling it - not hard so that it hurts, just enough to make me gasp and pull in a sharp, surprised breath against her lips.

Alma's tongue slips into my mouth, dancing with mine.
I feel myself become weak under her touch, my body trembles with desire and need, but also vulnerability.
My breath is sharp and rigid as our connection deepens.
Both of my hands find their way to the ymbryne's waist and the moment I feel her playfully nip my bottom lip I grab at her, unintentionally digging my fingernails into her hips.
She smiles as she pulls her lips from mine, glancing down at how tight my grasp is on her.
"Did I hurt you baby?" She whispers, soft and tender - my dearest cares, and I like that it is evident.
"I-.. I'm alright" I answer softly, a fragile smile of pure trust and adoration forms on my face.

"Can.. uh-" I struggle to speak, my senses and emotions are all over the place and it's putting my speech off. She of course senses my sudden struggle in my speech, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and whispering -
"Deep breaths.. you are doing so well. You can ask darling" she assures me, looking down at me in her embrace.
I take a deep breath, looking away and closing my eyes tightly as I ask - "Can we- sorry.. uh- can we.. you know?-" —
Alma takes a moment to try and understand, as soon as she does, a smile meets her lips.
"Ahh.. I understand, my my.. you are awfully shy about it, my dear is so shy in asking" Alma says, whispering it so she doesn't intimidate me, she blushes a little herself, giggling.
"I- mh.." I mumble, unable to get my words out.
birds have mercy.
"Oh baby.. my little love. Come here darling girl, come on, let us get to bed my shy little dear." She whispers, encouraging me to her bed.

I curl up, comfortable and more relaxed in the middle of Alma's pillows.
"You are just adorable" she murmurs softly, watching me snuggle up in bed, waiting for her.
The older woman watches my cheeks flare as my eyes stalk her frame.
Her beautiful raven black dress, and the curiosity rising with images of what lays beneath.
Alma giggles and bites her lip in concentration as she reaches around, searching for the zip - in 3 seconds she has found it, she pulls it gently and it glides down. Her raven black dress slips low to her ankles as fast as she was able to find her zipper.

My eyes are blessed in the sight of her angelic figure, I have seen her body before, yet every time my gaze falls upon her it is like I am seeing her for the first time again.
The way my heart beats, the way my heart pumps and fills my stomach with the biggest butterflies that I have ever felt -
The way my eyes on her is enough to tie the tightest knot in my abdomen, a knot that only my dearest bird can untie and release for me.
No matter how tired I am, I will never feel exhaust from a sight as perfect as Alma.

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