I'll Be Seeing You

185 6 17

Her blackish blue hair is freshly pinned back, she is pristine as the sun rises -
her lips are on mine with her free hand on my waist, her occupied left hand grasping the handle of her coffee cup.
It is around 30 minutes before the children awake for breakfast, meaning there is time for her to steal a kiss or two from my lips, perhaps maybe three or four..
my chin is tilted up minimally for better access to my mouth which is slightly agape in expectancy of hers.

"Mh.." I whimper softly into our connection, I don't mean to, but to be truthfully honest I've noticed how fond Alma is of the little sounds I make.
I can feel Alma smiling into the kiss, I feel the upward curve of her lips on mine -
The older woman's hold on my waist tightens as if trying to send a message to the world that I am hers and hers alone.
She pulls away slightly, severing the kiss and creating room between our faces, yet not for long as she pushes close again, just enough for her forehead to meet with mine.
She giggles a little, the tip of my nose brushes against hers in proof of the tension filled proximity.

Upstairs, a creak can be heard as a door on the far right opens.
Oh Birds !!
Alma and I swiftly pull away, stumbling backward and away from each other in worry of being caught.
The children aren't aware yet (other than Horace), and with good reason.
Alma's concerned gaze never leaves mine for a single second even though the both of us are now on opposite sides of the kitchen.
"Good morning Miss Peregrine.. Good morning Noelle" Olive says, yawning as she enters the kitchen, pausing as she catches the very last glimpse of us pulling away from each other.
I feel myself turn a deep red of crimson red as I bow my head, not wanting my embarrassment to be seen.

Alma plays everything off as if nothing happened, I just hope Olive didn't get a good enough look.
"Good morning Olive, I trust that you slept well?" Alma asks, reading the redhead for any assumptions that the girl may or may not have made.
"Yes Miss Peregrine.. shall I set the table?" Olive replies and finishes with a polite question. Maybe she didn't see anything? She already has some knowledge of my crush on the older woman, even then, I never confirmed anything with her! she doesn't know that it is mutual.. does she?
"Yes thank you, the breakfast cutlery is just in the cabinet to your left" Alma says, scratching the back of her neck awkwardly with her bird like talons.


After breakfast, the children all run off to partake in each of their respective chores. Today, my chore is to oversee and look after the children for an hour or two while Alma readies the piano, she needs to focus as the piano is incredibly out of tune and is long overdue for a clean up.
It slipped my mind to tell Horace that this morning I won't be attending chores with him in the laundry, so when he fumbles out of the laundry room in search of me, I cringe.
"H-Horace! Horace I.. I'm not on laundry with.. with you today!" I call out to him before he can get too far.

Horace turns, now curious. "Oh.. well- why not?" He asks, looking a little confused.
Had Alma not told him that his suggestion was taken? That we are doing piano night this evening?
"A-Alma.. I mean.. I mean- Miss Peregrine is tuning the piano so I have to care for.. for the children, I have to keep.. keep everyone in line until she's done?" I stutter, Birds above I had gotten so used to using her first name that I forgot for a moment that to the children, she is titled differently.

Horace's eyes light up.
"We are having musical entertainment tonight?!" He asks in excitement -
"Oh I must pick my best suit! My hair shall be washed and styled tonight! Oh oh! I just need my best monocle!" He exclaims, fumbling off to rush through his chores so that he can spend hours getting ready for tonight.
I laugh as I watch him fumble around, he's so joyed I cannot help but smile.
Will tonight really be that exciting?
I do a sweep of the entire premises, both inside and outside.
My walk through leads me to Fiona's vegetable patch, I feel for Alma's pocket watch, she had clipped it to the belt loop on my skirt, followed by her saying "everybody must be on time, it is absolutely crucial. Use this to keep track of everyone, but do keep it safe darling !" -
I smile, remembering the endearing sense of trust that she has in me.
As I approach the vegetable patch, I take my dearest's pocket watch in my hand, looking down to check the time.
As expected, Fiona finishes growing the large sum of gigantic vegetables for dinner on time.. it is 6 seconds until Bronwyn is supposed to use her super strength to lift and cart them off in preparation to wash up and cut.
I can't help but hope she is on time.
& 1!

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