My Pretty Little Thing

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I make a soft little squeak as I yawn, stretching against the older woman who had insisted in not being apart from me after our kiss the night before,
Had we fallen asleep together? Yes..
have we had sex? Not yet.

"There she is.." Alma murmurs, her voice is attractively raspy, she can feel the warmth of my body shift with my awakening stretch.
"My little flower has awoken" she giggles. I feel her hands move up from her sides to play and fiddle with my hair as I lay peacefully on her chest.
After a moment of gathering a sense of awareness and remembrance of our tender little moment last night, I smile sleepily and look up at her-
"Y-You're awfully chirpy at.. uh.." I mumble, trying to guess the time.
Alma giggles and reaches her free hand over to her nightstand to grasp her pocket watch -
"Do not think so hard first thing in the morning.. it is 6:30am darling" she whispers, placing her watch back down and curling her once occupied arm, back around me.

I know, sure and certain, that Alma will not let our chemistry intrude on her's or the children's morning routine, and I myself would rather it that way too.
It is a roughly 40 minutes before the children wake up, meaning without a doubt that it is coffee time.
I am the first to leave Alma's room, silent and nervous that one of the children may already be awake even though it is unlikely; I creep carefully back to my own room to change and freshen myself up a little.

The flower crown that Olive made me is in my hand as I make it to my own room, I want to keep it as long as it's inevitably dying petals will let me. -
I change into a more formal attire than yesterday's white picnic dress, pin my hair up, put on some makeup, and then I put the flower crown gently on the end of my bed, my dress in the hamper by my wardrobe.

Once I am downstairs in the kitchen, all dressed and ready, I get a strong sense of familiarity.
The last time Alma had made me coffee this early in the morning, was the first time I ever spoke to her, we watched the sun rise together out on the porch -
Alma turns, two cups in her hands, she is too in her every day attire, her hair pinned in all its usual spots and a little bit of makeup that covers her pretty little freckles.

"Ah yes.. I remember.. no sugar for you" she purrs happily, only putting sugar into her cup.
I smile up at her and blush heavily as she plants a soft little kiss on my cheek.
"There you are my sweet" she says, handing me the coffee that she so generously made for me. "T-Thank you A-Alma" I mumble, I am still very shy around her.

Alma gets started on breakfast, and without her asking for my help, I follow behind to assist.
I cut up a fresh loaf of bread at the kitchen counter whilst the older woman glides around the kitchen, cooking eggs and bacon for every one of her wards, plus the both of us.
I take the time once I have cut up all the bread into slices, to appreciate the woman before me who does her utmost to provide for us all.
Every movement she makes, and every glimpse I catch of her, only adds the surge of pure affection that I feel for her.

At the breakfast table, I sit to Alma's right, a book in my hand whilst I eat.
The table is familiar with chatter and laughter, all the children still have sleep in their eyes.
I look up from the page that I am on when I hear Claire whine a little,
She is struggling to cut up her bacon.. Poor baby is only little, she just needs a little bit of help as all.

As Alma goes to stand and help her, I stop her. An idea forming in my head.
She looks at me with confusion, to which I wink in response at her -
I shoot a glare over the the cutlery in Claire's hands with the intention that the knife and fork are cutting up and dividing the little girl's food, and sure enough, the knife and fork cut everything up nicely for little Claire, Alma didn't have to get up to do it herself, Claire didn't have to feel embarrassed that she needed such obvious help, my use of telekinesis is discreet and silent so that it doesn't draw much attention -
The table simply staying as it always is without interruption.

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