I Don't Think, I Know

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The first few days despite my protests, Alma has insisted that only the closest people are to visit. I think it's adorable that she uses the word 'visit'
A visit is when you leave a person and then come back to check in. Alma however, has not left my side for more than 5 minutes.
I swear the woman even times herself when we are apart -
What is even more adorable to me is that she considers herself a close person in my life.
It's obviously true, yes -
But adorable to see that she knows it.

"But.. w-what about the children?" I ask, forgetting about the other ymbryne that is currently boarding with us.
I start whining a little because she has handed me yet another cup of water that has without a doubt got some magical healing dust mixed in it.

"Miss Avocet has kindly insisted upon staying, she can be rather.. old fashioned in that light" she replies, almost too nonchalantly as she pulls her eyes from mine.
I visibly see her ponder in her thoughts for a brief moment before putting her pipe into the corner of her mouth and lighting it.
It's attractive every time I swear.

"Darling, you must drink what is in the cup" she says, pointing at the cup of maybe-water that I still haven't had so much of a sip of.
"B-But I'm not thirsty" -
She chuckles and combs my hair with her fingers,
"Fine.. but you need it eventually" she replies -


The temperature in the hospital wing is always cooler to keep any vermin out, so as I sit in preparation to try and eat something to start my day off, Alma covers my frame entirely with 3 or 4 blankets.

With the metallic clink and clank of my knife and fork, I have eaten all I can -
Which of course, judging by the expression on Alma's face, is not a lot.
At least she knows that I'm trying. —
The older woman takes the tray from my lap and places it on a nearby table, she starts to speak up.

"You know, Horace has been rather impatient to see you.. a few days ago I had killed that idea as you could barely keep your eyes open long enough" I can sense a potential 'but' coming up..
"But.." ahh there we go.
"your improvement is immense, so I'd be much less concerned if you would like to have visitors now" the ymbryne states, careful and cautious.. but nonetheless giving her blessing.

With that blessing, I find myself becoming embarrassed. Alma, my lover, whom is not in charge of me as though I am her ward.. is giving me permission —
She knows that I feel bad doing things without her permission, and it's slightly humiliating to know that she can sense my authority issues.

It is another hour of playing cards with Alma until I hear a knock at the door.
My smile is full as I place a modest hand over my mouth.

"M-My weird little prophet!!" I giggle as Horace makes his entry, he holds a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a card and something neatly folded.
Horace cackles as I attempt sitting upright by myself.
"Oh your b-brought flowers!? H-Horace!!" I exclaim as I put pressure on myself to sit -
"Don't you even think about it Noelle.." Alma whispers firmly, linking her arm around mine in the gentle act of helping me sit up properly.

"My birds.. you crushed an entire hollowgh-" Alma cuts him off, "let's not dwell, I'm sure and certain that if Noelle would like to address it.. she will" she says kindly and protectively. I can tell that she is doing this because she knows I get shy over compliments or big-deals made about me.
I giggle and brush my good hand over hers in an affectionate act.

"Oh sure, sure!" Horace accepts -
"Miss Peregrine, I would be delighted if you could assist me?" He says, his hands are full to say the least.
"Ahh yes.. that sounds about right" The ymbryne giggles as she brings over a small table with wheels on it, a beautiful crystal type vase already prepared.
"These are from Fiona's garden.. and this card is signed by all of us, I even got Miss Avocet to sign it.. and of course Miss Peregrine" he explains with a little grin, putting the bouquet in the vase and then the card beside it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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