The Early Days

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Horace laughs hysterically at me as he dodges my attempts at splashing him with water in the laundry room, I am giggling too in a playful, happy manner. -
It had been two or so weeks full of tender little moments with The Headmistress, and he of course, being my best friend and the person here who knows almost everything about us all one way or another, has NOT stopped teasing me.
Horace is the only one who knows, and while he teases, he still maintains an aura of respect for me.
He knows when poking fun at me isn't a good idea, he knows the boundary between a playful banter, and something actually embarrassing or hurtful.
The only reason, and I mean the absolute SOLE reason he knows.. is because he had very briefly told me of his prophetic dream about 2-3 months ago -
And just as his brilliant prophetic mind had predicted,
My "pristine jeans" did look remarkable in a "heap on the floor"

"Oh come on! Your eyes may as well be heart shaped!" He exclaims, once again dodging the water I attempted to splash at him.
"No.. no! No way!" I exclaim back, filling the room with pure and happy laughter -
I'm still getting used to speaking, I only recently (within the last week and a half) started talking to Horace.. so now it is Alma AND Horace that I can verbally talk to -
I wish I could say that a big deal wasn't made about it,
But Alma was so proud of me when I told I had started talking to Horace that she had taken form of an actual peregrine in pure excitement (which of course she rarely does unless needed) -
It was quite the sight, and although the sweet attention embarrassed me.. I couldn't help but relish in it a little.

"I'll bet that you write poems about her!" Horace teases, he says this very theatrically as if he needs to add to his dramatic performance.
I blush heavily, of course I write poetry about Alma. The passion I have for her is to good a muse for birds sake!!
"You.. you should- should be in a theatre group!" I tease back, stuttering a little.
"Oh I just know you write it allllll in the diary she gave you when you first arrived here!" He says playfully in reply, a smug little grin on his face.
I roll my eyes and toss one of his own shirts which he put into the "delicate washing" at him-
He scoffs and hollers "that is pure silk! Why must you take it out on my silk! Manhandler!!" -
He is still playful as he knows I wouldn't throw it hard, the two of us together is just like having two seven year olds in a room together.


After chores with Horace, I enter the kitchen in order to treat myself to a cup of water, bantering with Horace is enough to take both of the healthy two litres of water out of my body.
I hum a little as I fill up my glass right to the very top, and just before I take a sip I flinch in surprise at the familiar hand on my shoulder -
I turn to see Olive, and she of course starts to giggle at how skittish I seem.
Both Olive and Emma are trying to get back on Alma's good side since sneaking out for the picnic we had, Emma has been helping Fiona and Bronwyn in the garden for the last week, and Olive has been running around like a little mouse trying to find random chores to do.

"Noelle! Oh are you doing your extra chores?" She asks -
Oh birds.
I forgot - I didn't exactly have that penalty as the headmistress and I have been a little too busy with other matters.

I respond to Olive with a nod, hoping she can't sense my nervousness as I offer her up a lie.
Olive giggles, "what does the bird have you doing?" She asks;
She gazes down and before I can give any answer, her eyes lock on the cup of water that I am holding - "ohhh!! She has you doing dishes!?" Olive asks, a smile meeting her lips.
Owww Birdsss.
I sigh longingly, wanting to drink my water, but also wanting to pull off my lie.
I pour the water down the sink and run the faucet as though I have been rinsing the glass this whole time.
I gently put my cup on the drying rack beside me and turn back to Olive with a smile which she returns with her absent mind.

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