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Lightning slashed the sky in pieces… literally.

A thunder so loud that I almost went deaf accompanied it, rumbling like the roar of some gigantic terrifying beast.

My heart thundered along with the two elements, my breathing fast-paced as I stared in paralyzing fear at the sky.

The once blue clouded beauty had vanished, its remnants fading in wisps, just like smoke. My brain was too jumbled to process what was happening. The sky was gone! There was only blackness, and the recurring pattern of blinding lightning, then roaring thunder.

I pressed my hands over my ears as another round of thunder came. I was sure I would go deaf this time if I didn't do that. And even with the pressure of my hands over my ears, the sound was so loud that pain seared through my ears.

I crouched to the ground, fear weakening my joints. What in the world was going on? Where was I… ?

I gasped in terror as I felt warm liquid on my left palm. I pulled it away from my ears , and sure enough, when the next flash of lightning came, it was to find the unmistakable red thickness of blood.

Thunder roared again, and this time, I screamed in pain. I was sure my ears were damaged now, because an insistent ringing filled my ears.

Tears slid down my cheeks. What is happening…?

The ground beneath me trembled ominously. My heart thundered even faster. What now… ?

Then my problems escalated. The ground beneath me broke apart, a crack spreading beneath my feet. I barely had time to jump onto the small patch of earth that remained in place next to me before the earthquake swallowed everything else.

I stared down to find lava bubbling beneath me. I staggered backwards, away from the sight, then yelled when I realized I had reached the end of the patch. Fear constricted my chest.

“Help! Somebody, please!"

I couldn't even hear my own voice.

I was in complete panic now. There was no one in sight. Even if there was , I couldn't see them, not in this darkness. Terrified tears trailed my face. I was scared. I was going to die…

A light appeared ahead of me, floating above the lava . I squinted into it, barely making out the form of… a man?

There was absolutely nothing remarkable about him. Except the aura of light of course…

“Help!" I pleaded as rocks began to fall off my patch of safety. “Please!"

He reached out with one hand.

“Jump Rachel."

Jump?! Was he insane? I was tons of feet away from him. I would never make it.

“I won't make it. Please help!”I called in desperation, my tears falling hotter.

“Jump, Rachel," he repeated.

“No, no , no. Please!" My panic mounted. My patch was breaking apart and slipping into the pool of boiling hot lava.

He said nothing, his hand still outstretched. Tears fell across his face too, his sadness evident.

No, please…

The earth beneath me finally gave, and I fell, screaming as I held my hand out towards to the mysterious man, tears streaming from my eyes…

“Look up to the skies above, and gaze down on the earth below. For the skies will disappear like smoke, and the earth will wear out like a piece of clothing. The people of the earth will die like flies, but my salvation lasts forever. My righteous rule will never end!”
                                                          ‭Isaiah 51:6

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