14- Revealed Identity

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“Dad?" I stared up into my father's eyes questioningly. This was the first time he would walk into my therapy sessions with Ms Sarah.

His eyes were sad as he gazed down at me.

“Dad, take me home. Please," I pleaded.

My father sighed.

“Rachel. I’m sorry…” his voice trailed off.

Betrayal struck a deep blow in my heart.

" Dad,” I said weakly.

" Please sit, Rachel. We can talk this out,”he told me, reaching out to place a hand on my shoulder.

I stepped away from his reach, biting my lip in regret as I saw hurt flash across his expression. Reluctantly, I settled back into my seat.

Dad sat next to me on the long couch. I was gritting my teeth where I sat. How could he do this to me? Why?!

“Okay,Rachel. I need you to be open minded right now," Ms Sarah said.

“Why can't you be open minded? Consider that maybe I’m right for once,” I snapped.

"Okay then. We’ll do just that. Let's say Andrew really is real,” she said. I blinked. This wasn't going to end well. I could feel dad tense next to me. I wondered how he must feel. Having to listen to his own daughter argue that his dead son still existed.

Guilt crept into my heart along with doubt. What if Ms Sarah was right? But then I remembered the almost drowning incident.That couldn't have been me. It was impossible.

“Do you believe ghosts are real?" Ms Sarah asked me.

I looked down at my hidden hands, heart thumping.

“Andrew is not a ghost," I told her.

“Then what is he?"

I swallowed. There was tense silence. No. She couldn't be right! This couldn't be it!

“He’s… something more dangerous than a ghost. You don't understand. He’s after my life! He’s going to kill me!”

Tears filled my eyes as I realized how much like a maniac I sounded.

" Rachel,” Ms Sarah said gently. "Andrew is dead. Maybe if you accept that, you can finally let go. Your brother died six years ago, Rachel…”

" Don't you think I know that?!” I yelled. "I never said that he’s still alive. I just… know that he is real.”

I fisted the fabric of my hoodie as pain lanced through my heart. I didn't need this. I didn't need to be reminded that I had caused the death of my own brother.

“Just take me home dad, please," I pleaded. I looked up at him, tears rolling down my face.  “I can't do this anymore. You believe me right?"

Dad sighed, gripping my shoulders in both of his hands.


" You don't.” Dread filled me at the realization. The one person I had been sure was on my side didn't believe me. "You believe her over me? Over your own daughter?!”

Dad slid his hand through his hair.

" I can't believe this.” I rose. Dad followed suit, taking a step towards me, but I stepped away. "How can you not…?"

I choked on tears.

“I’m not a maniac! I’m not crazy! You just don't understand me. None of you do!" I yelled.

“Rachel…" Dad looked alarmed now, and he moved closer even as I stepped away. “I don't think you're a maniac. You're not crazy. You're my daughter,” dad told me.

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