19 - Fire and Bones

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I was curled up on the floor, brutally slammed back into my body. All I could do was sob as pain racked my entire system, spreading from the tips of my fingers to the rest of my body.

It was fire, hot and burning all over me.

“Get the nurse!” A panicked feminine voice was shouting. I didn't know who it was, and I didn't want to know. I wanted the burning to stop. It was unbearable…

A scream ripped out of me. I could almost swear my insides were tearing apart.

“Rachel," an all-too familiar voice said. I had finally managed to look away from the Physics teacher, but it seemed his presence alone was able to ignite so much pain. “Rachel, don't be afraid."

“Leave me alone!" I screamed. It was my voice this time, and it was more of a desperate plea than an order. “Please."

"What is going…What's wrong with her?” A male voice joined in this time. I wished they would give me an answer to that question.

“The nurse. We need the nurse…!"

“She's here! Out of the way…!"

I felt someone kneel next to me, rolling me over so I looked into her eyes. It was the school nurse, calm despite the chaos.

“Rachel," she said gently as I squirmed beneath her scrutiny. “I need you to calm down. Tell me where it hurts."

“Everywhere," I managed to voice out, struggling to breathe.

“What happened?" The nurse turned to Mr. Frederick.

A sudden sense of hate filled me, dominating till it was the only thing I felt in all of my being.

“It was him," I found myself saying. “He caused this. He won't leave me alone. I don't know what he's done…” I screamed as another intense bout of pain rushed through me. The hate intensified alongside the pain. "I tried to stay away from him, but…"

“Rachel," Ms Daniels, the nurse, tried to soothe me. “It's okay. You’ll be fine…”

Xander said nothing where he sat just next to my bed. I said nothing too, struggling not to burst into tears.

It had taken over an hour to calm me down. I was sure the whole school knew what had happened. The students who had seen it would have circulated it round the school.

The intense hate I had felt had disappeared as soon as I was taken away from Mr. Frederick's office.

Despite the fact that I disliked him, he was innocent. I had implicated an innocent teacher!

I gripped the pillow closer to my chest, my heart threatening to explode.

The repeated tapping of Xander's foot against the ground only made me even more nervous. What must he think of me now?

I bit down on my lip to force back the tears threatening to engulf me, but it was impossible.

I buried my face in the pillow, trying to silence my sobs. Why was I like this?! Why couldn't I be normal?!

My heart skipped several beats.

Andrew had been silent ever since his outburst about me being his. He was going to punish me for coming into contact with Mr. Frederick. I could sense that this was just the peace before the storm. I was scared. No, I was terrified.

I shoved my knuckles into my hair, placing them over my ears.

I flinched as I felt a hand on my shoulder, squeezing gently.

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