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I yelped as a hand slammed down into my reading desk. I looked up into dad's amused expression. I flushed, slowly pulling off my headphones.

"Sorry," I apologized sheepishly, eyes glancing towards my open door. I must have left it unlocked. So much for wanting to be left alone.

Ms Lila, our Brit-Lit teacher, had given us a thorough ten-page assignment on Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Interruptions weren't going to get me anywhere.

"Busy?" Dad peered into the screen of my laptop.

"Yeah..."my voice trailed off as I sighted the ball under his right arm. "What is that?" I asked, an eyebrow raised in question.

It was too small to be a football, but way bigger than a tennis ball. The surface was a pattern of blue and yellow octagons.

"This," Dad held the ball in both hands, grinning. "is a handball. For you." He chuckled as I stared at him. "Oh don't look so terrified. You weren't planning on showing up for the tryouts with zero experience, were you?"

I almost winced. That was exactly what I'd been planning. I had thought a little research would do it... Hey! Don't judge me. I had no experience with sports.


"No worries, baby. I've got you covered. C'mon."

I stared at him.

"Uhmm... I'm kind of in the middle of..." I started.

"Oh, give it a break. You've been at it for three hours already,"he told me, reaching out and shutting the laptop. "Besides, I'm sure it isn't due for at least three days,"he said, eyes twinkling as he stared into mine.

He was right. The assignment wasn't due until Monday , which was six days from today.

Dad tapped the table twice.

"Get up. Your body needs exercise too," he said, blowing a whistle I hadn't realized he had.

He laughed as I winced, pulling me out of my chair and out of the room. A small smile appeared across my face as I sprinted after him, blooming along with the spark of happiness in my chest.

That spark died once I sighted mom outside. Ms Janet had both hands on the wheelchair, ready to move her if the need arose. Mom smiled on seeing me, eyes bright.

"Hello my little champion,"she said. Ms Janet wheeled her closer to me.

A tight feeling of dread replaced my initial happiness. I was going to make a fool of myself, and then she would be disappointed that her own daughter could not follow in her footsteps, and then, she'll probably...

"There's no need to be nervous, Rachel dear,"she assured, her smile remaining on her face. "I'm glad you decided to do this."

I swallowed. She shouldn't have said that. Now the feeling in my chest was even tighter.

"I told her about it,"dad said "This," He gestured to the ball. "was her idea."

I said nothing as I followed next to mum's wheelchair as Ms Janet wheeled her to one side of our compound. Dad remained on the other side.

Ms Janet sent me a sad smile. My panic must have been obvious in my eyes. She wheeled mum to a safe corner while I stood facing dad.

"First, you need to know how to handle the ball..."mum told me.

This entire setup made me uncomfortable. Mum was meant to be indoors, and being taken care of. If something bad happened to her, it would be my fault.

Dad balanced the ball in his right hand to demonstrate mum's instructions, then he threw me the ball. I reached up with both hands, my eyes following the ball's arc movement through the air... Then, I caught it.

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