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"She is on maternity leave

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"She is on maternity leave."

Astra pulls my shoulder into her and hooks our arms together, "We are on leave."

It was a different man than the last one who came this time. "Dr Melbourne doesn't care, he wants to see everyone in the hall in an hour," The mans hands trembled with how long he'd been holding up the envelope, "I was told to come invite you guys specially, and this is for you Kofi."

The second it took me to realise he was speaking to me was time enough for Astra to snatch it for me. "Thank you, we'll be there," She muttered, almost angrily. Realising her tone she corrected herself, "I mean we had plans for today," She glanced up at me and I wondered if she could see my raised eyebrow through the helmet, "Pregnant yoga and all that-

Pregnant yoga?

"But we'll be there," She finished, "Thank you."

He nodded and the door slid closed as we stepped away from it. "My letter?" I asked.

Astra ignored me, reaching up to tap the side of her helmet to unlatch it. "You mean Kofi's letter," She snorted ripping it open with her teeth, leaving a pink lip stain from the glossy stuff I'd seen her steal from Teegan. She frowned at whatever was written in it before turning it around and scoffing "All it says is he's taking you off paternity leave," She rolled her eyes, pressing the letter into my chest.

I didn't bother looking at it, letting it fall back to the ground, "You think this is about the fridge thing?" I questioned, following her into the kitchen.

She turned back to give me a look before tapping my helmet too, "You don't say?" She scratched her head, "They're probably what? Tightening security right?"

"You tell me Teegan, but no way they haven't found a way to get that door open," I deadpanned, taking a seat on the counter. "I mean it's been like, a couple of hours."

"It was a pretty thick door," Astra reasoned, "Looks hard to get into."

"Why design a door you can't break down?"

"'cause no one else would be able to break it down either."

My eyes followed her and she began pulling out things from thee cabinets, struggling with her one hand but I made no move to help her. "What are you doing?"

She pulled something else out and stared at the can for a bit before shrugging and putting it on the counter, "If this is all gonna come back to us I might as well do something I've always wanted to do," She told me, closing the door. "Make bread."


"It's like a fluffy thing they make on earth," She frowned, "At least it always looks fluffy."

"And it's edibile?" She nodded, and I jumped off the countertop to stand behind her, "I thought you said you've come down to earth plenty of times, why didn't you just eat some bread then."

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