Chapter 2

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POV: Malakai

After the bone-crushing hug, my teammates gave me and lifted me from the ground to cheer me on Me and Mia went to our own locker room since we were the only girls on the team and we didn't want to be looked at by men.

"Oh my goodness I'm exhausted," Mia groaned slumping down on her black bench naked with a towel drying her blond jaw-length hair.

"So you won't go to the after party with Aaron to hook up with some poor girl giving her chlamydia?" I asked with a smirk Putting on a big T-shirt and pulling on some pants over my boxers.

"Okay, you know that I don't have Chlamydia. I just had that one scare and even if I did which I DO not The girls would still want a piece of this," She stood up and rolled around in circles. All I could do was laugh.

I mean she is attractive but I would rather die than tell her that. She would just get a bigger ego If that's even possible.

If it were any other girl in here instead of me I have no doubt she would want to jump Mia's bones. But then again me and Mia are sisters not by blood but by soul. We have been in each other's lives since I can remember. Our moms are close so we become close.

I have seen her naked many times and even walked in on her having girls bending over with her fingers or dildos in them.
Making me slightly traumatized.

But Nothing could make my Malakai junior stand up. And when I say nothing I mean it like not even porn or my girlfriend well ex girlfriend.
I didn't even let her near me like that because I wasn't comfortable and I guess she didn't like it so she broke up with me, that and she found me annoying

I'm intersex which just means I'm a woman with a member.

I liked her a bit and I'm sure if she didn't break up with me after only a week I maybe could make myself hard and have sex with her. But that didn't happen.
safe to say the news spread like wildfire But no one thought she broke up with me because I'm more popular
it may sound shallow but that's just how this school works.

And I wasn't about to correct them.

After she broke up with me some might say I cried the whole weekend NOT me but my family might say it.

I mean yeah of course I was a bit sad. She was my first-ever girlfriend and she broke up with me because of her finding me and I quote annoying, too emotional, and dumb.

I am not to any of them I mean I got an A in Math last year. I may have cheated but nobody noticed so yeah I'm smart.

"No, but seriously am I going to have to pick you and Aaron in the middle of the night"? I questioned after my laughter died down.

"No, because you're coming with us," Mia answered as she started to get dressed.

"I don't remember saying that," I frowned as I sat down now fully clothed and face to face to her.

"You did"

"I don't think I did"

"Nope, you did"

"I did? I seriously don't remember-

I didn't get to finish my sentence as Mia now fully clothed walked over to me and put both of her hands on my shoulders.

"Look it's been a month since you and Linn broke up. This is OUR celebration party, it's literally for us and we facking deserve it so stop being sad about that idiot and go to the party with us".

"Fine, you're right but if I get in trouble I'll be throwing you under the bus whether that's physically or metaphorically," I said standing up.

"I'm fine with that. Nothing anybody does can destroy my fine body. Now come on we have a family dinner to attend to and hopefully, your hot sister is there," She shouted as she ran out of the door before I could do anything.

I ran after her and yelled, "My sister is 8, you pedophile".

"Not that one you dumbass,"She said With a duh-look-like tone like I'm supposed to know which one she was talking about automatically.

"Oh yeah right".

We sat down in my VMW black car while blasting the beautiful song When You Look At Me by Sara Kays.

Mia drove because apparently, the ladies couldn't see her lacking. which I do not understand I mean what would she be lacking a car? She already has her own.

We are going to the restaurant we always go to after a win. It's called Willow Tree which I also don't understand there is no tree or willow stuff there. Everything it's unhealthy. Not that I'm complaining.

We're meeting our parents there. My moms, Mia's mom, and my siblings, Mia is an only child. They were at the game like they always are and cheering us on.

They just drove ahead of us like always.

Not many people are close with their families and sometimes I envy them.

I mean one time my moms were talking about the birds and the bees you know what happens when two people want to have a baby to me and my one year older brother Aaron, at the age of 13&14.

Safe to say I never ate a banana again.

My oldest sister filmed the whole thing because she thought our traumatized faces looked fun.

And that wasn't even the most traumatizing part. What was the most traumatizing part you may ask Well, it was the part where Mama left but Ma stayed behind and had the most sinister and creepiest smile and said and I quote "This is how all of you three got created," while keeping eye contact with all of us and then just left us there.

All three of us just sat in the living room and cried until Mama came and asked us why we were crying. We couldn't even look at her in the eyes or each other. The crying stopped after three days but it still comes sometimes when Ma looks at us with that same smile because she wants us to leave the house.

Ma is intersex like me so is my baby sister Blake, she is 8 years old and I am a decade older than her.

Author: Sooo how do we feel about Malakai? I love her name, I've already thought about a nickname!

And as always Thank you so much for reading my beautiful readers! 👩🏾‍🏫

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