Chapter Nine

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POV: Delilah

I have no idea how I'm going to find some dirt on Aaron Rewojones. All I know is that I can't kill him according to Anne.

But I made I promise I intend to keep.
I hate people who can't stay true to their words. I had that too much growing up. So I never break my promises.

Right now I have English with my favorite teacher. Miss Mohair. She is an Arab woman And she has the most beautiful hijab I have seen. I grew up wearing hijab. My biological mother was Muslim So I used to wear it, read the Quran, Pray, And of course celebrate Eid Mubarak, But I never was able to celebrate Ramadan because I'm weak.

I stopped wearing hijab around 10 as a rebellion and now I'm just not comfortable with it because I have my own beliefs that are wrong on the Quran And I refuse to believe in a god Who would let all people suffer when they could have stopped it including me and my siblings.

But I respect people's religion I think it's important for people to know that there is something better after this life.

But I lost my faith.

It's not like I don't believe in anything I believe in Love and Hate.
No one knows that I come from a Muslim family other than Bella, Zion. But they barely remember. Athena knows too. Perhaps one day I'll know what I believe in but that day is not here yet.

"I'm sorry Miss Monroe am I boring you?". Miss Mohair asked me Everyone turned around to look at me.

"No you could never bother me miss," I said with a smile As some of my classmates snickered. Miss Mohair just shook her head with a smile and went back to the lesson.

I may not like crowded spaces much but when I'm comfortable enough I have confidence and Miss Mohair is easy to get comfortable with.

After the class ended I put my notebook in my locker and went to the cafeteria to eat with my friends.

I got in line and ordered what I almost always order French fries. This is some boogie-rich school so they pretty much have everything.
And they don't have a dress code or any code where girls can't play a certain sport so it's a cool school compared to the others.

I got some creole dip and a warm chocolate chip cookie on the side Along with apple juice. I paid the total amount to the lunch lady who just shook her head at me with a disproving look.

I really shouldn't waste my allowance on school lunches but it's fries.

I walked over to the bench and sat down while Sophie and Anne were sitting there with their cheer outfit and food. Now we just waited till Will got here. We don't eat without each other which is a dumb thing but it's just how we are. We usually get lunch together but on Fridays, we have different schedules.

"I'm here," Will was out of breath as he sat down next to me with a sandwich and some chips.

"Finally I was about to stave to death," Sophie rolled her eyes while taking a bite of her chicken burger.

"So how was your days?" Anne asked sewing on some rice.

I kinda just spaced out and focused on my food as they all communicated. It was nice and peaceful until that annoying-looking girl sat next to me and the girl Sophie hooked up with sat next to her.

We, well they always share who they hooked up with.

"He.. Hey," The dark-haired girl stuttered looking nervous and almost guilty.
I don't know why they sat next to us.

"How are you doing Sophie?" The girl I think is Mia put her arm over Soph.

"Why are you two sitting next to us?" Anne asked getting right to it. She may be overly nice but that girl has no filter.

"Yeah, what are you doing here?"Sophie frowned as pushed off Mia's arm.

"Well Malakai over here has something to say," Mia smirked gesturing towards the dark-haired girl.

Malakai gave her what I assume is a death stare As Mia put her arm over Sophie only to have it pushed off Again.

Before the tall girl next to me could answer, the most hated voice spoke.

"Hello again Delilah, how is it going with you and Malakai?" Sean asked with a smug face as one of his hands was held by his ex-girlfriend but I assume his girlfriend, Linn.

All of the football team stood beside him with their partners And of course, the most popular people standing above one table got everyone's attention as all of them were looking at me for an answer.

I couldn't talk I was just frozen this was my worst nightmare.

But I didn't need to talk as William spoke confusedly "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, you don't know? Malakai and Delilah are a couple," Sean yelled out loud so that everyone could hear. Some gasps and whispers were going around.

Sophie choked on her mango drink While Anne and William just stared at me.

"Right, Kai?" Sean asked Malakai so that now all eyes were on her including mine. Because I didn't have a single thought in my mind except for me hoping she would say no and that it was a misunderstanding and no one ever looks at me ever again.

"Right," She said with a blush avoiding my eyes.
And of course, everyone heard that and now all eyes were on me again and I couldn't do it

So I got up to leave and so did my friends, about to follow me and no doubt question me
But I told them to not follow me in a whisper Which I'm glad that they listened to.

I panickedly walked down the now empty hallway I heard some footsteps behind me I turned around to see the idiot who was NOT my GIRLFRIEND.

"Don't follow me," I said loud and kept walking.
But that idiot couldn't understand a hint

"If you Do not stop following me I swear to the goddess I'm going to hurt you," I turned around to look at her

"Look I'm sorry I didn't mean that to happen"

"You didn't mean to tell the whole school that we are a couple when I have literally only ever talked to you one time?"I asked angrily.

"Well yeah I did mean to do that," She answered with a frown trying to think about what to say. But I didn't give her a chance as I accidentally lifted my foot and hit her hard in between her legs. I felt something as my foot connected with her crotch but I didn't think about it
As she fell on the empty hallway.
Holding her hand in between her legs While saying something like Goddess and hot.

I didn't listen as I walked out of the school hallway and left her there.

Author's note

Y'all I forgot that Friday is a school day😭. Well, that is if you have the same schedule as me.

But I just woke up on a Friday,
[you know when you wake up because it suspiciously feels like you overslept?]
That was me and when I looked at my phone I saw that it was 8 am. I was about to panic get dressed and hurry up to school but then I saw that it was Friday and my dumbass taught that it was the weekend and went back to sleep.

So I missed school but for once it was unintentional, unfortunately enough
my teacher didn't believe me🙄

But that's not on me✋🏾

Okay, I'm done ranting 😌

Thank you so much for reading my beautiful readers!👩🏾‍🏫

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