Chapter 52

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"But whyyy?" I whined for the hundredth time.

"Baby, Athena is already in trouble with Natalie and she apologized to us. You don't need to rub it in her face," She slurped her apple juice flipping around movies and shows with the controller.

"But I wanna," I had a baby-like tone. She only turned around to give me a bored look.

Two nights ago Athena apologized for disrespecting our relationship and she seemed genuine but I don't forgive her.

I'm usually the forgiving type but not when it's about My Goddess. Although we did get revenge on her by damaging her car. But I'm still pissed.

Two nights ago was also Williams's birthday and the day he came out. It broke me that there are parents who couldn't even accept their own flesh and blood much less put their hands on them.

Delilah is already planning an act of revenge and a part of me is scared that she will kill Mr Reyes.
But the butthole deserves it.

If it wasn't clear before I don't like Athena but she gave William her apartment and I got little respect for her.

"Cry about it," She shrugged like it was a good suggestion.

"You're not supposed to say that to your future wife," I pouted making her have an amused face.

"Do you want kisses?" She tried to hide her smile but failed miserably as she put the apple juice box on top of my bedside table.

"Yes," I nodded my head with pouty lips.
She chuckled as she grabbed my cheeks pecking me all over my face. Gosh, I love her.

Three knocks were heard before the door opened.

Delilah stopped kissing me

I hate my life.

"Yes, ma?" I didn't even need to look at her to know it was her. Mama doesn't knock.

"Your mother told me to check in on you," She swung on her legs bored.

"Why?" Del asked as she let her soft hands fall off my cheeks.

"To make sure you weren't having sex under our roof," Ma answered turning my face into a new hint of red.

Of course, she had to say that. I knew I shouldn't have talked to them.

Last night me, my moms, Leah, and Aaron were in the living room and they talked about their first love and then it got to first time.

And I stupidly let it slip that I was ready to have sex.

My Ma and Aaron weren't surprised in fact Ma said I'm proud of you. Mama was the only one who was surprised and Leah just high-fived me.

We talked about safe intimacy and consent to everything for nearly two hours.

I was embarrassed and I already knew all of that.

I searched on Google and unfortunately for me sometimes there would be nudity there.

I felt like I was cheating on My Goddess so I told her everything and kinda cried.

But she just laughed and said" If you ever feel curious just talk to me And stop crying I'm not mad," I didn't tell her that I was ready.

I wanted to rush it out so she wouldn't have time to respond tomorrow in the morning because I have a match so I could avoid her for a few hours. But it looks like we have to have this conversation without me running away from her.

Why do my mothers ruin everything?
What if Delilah doesn't want to have sex with me?

What if she doesn't like my body?.. well I don't have to worry about her not liking my body.

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