Chapter 24

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POV: Malakai


Yeah, I still can't believe it either. I couldn't even sleep last night. All I could think of was her soft lips. It was amazing no not amazing something better. I can't describe how it was or felt all I know is that I'm going to do everything in my power to feel that way again.

I got home after I unfroze. Aaron drove me home and I told my moms all about the kiss. Of course, they think that me and Delilah are a couple and that couples do stuff. But they just assumed that we were taking things slow.

I like the idea of me and Delilah being a couple. I mean a real one. Maybe she felt what I felt.

She probably did right..right? no, she must've.

It couldn't all be for show. I hope.

It's Sunday today and we're having a day with our parents on the boat.

My parents and Mia's mother. William, Anne, and Sophie are coming too.

And of course, the softest lips Delilah is coming. Well, at least she said that she would.

Right now I'm waiting outside while everyone is here except Delilah and William.
Leah spent the night at Anne's so they came together. I'm happy for Leah. I knew that she was crushing hard on Anne. Well that's what Delilah said and Delilah is always right that's what she also said.

"They will be here," Aaron uttered more to himself as he sat down next to me at the outhouse stairs.

"I have no doubt," I cheerfully replied Because it's true, Delilah is a goddess of her word.

You would think that since I haven't slept I would be tired but I wasn't.

If anything I was excited.

We saw a green car pulling up our driveway. Both me and Aaron stood up and rushed to the car So we could open their doors.

"Thanks," Delilah smiled as she got out of the passenger seat. I closed the door behind her while I just looked at her beautiful eyes smiling like an idiot, Because I am an idiot when it comes to Delilah.

She had a white T-shirt and black pants. While I had a black shirt and white pants. WE ARE MATCHING. We could be one of those couples who match. Although I think that they are highly creepy I would do anything for Delilah.

"Huh we're matching, "Delilah tilted her head cutely to the side.

"Do you want me to change? because I can do that if you want, I can do anything," I rambled feeling all too nervous.

"It's fine Mally, we look amazing," Delilah laughed goddess-like as she walked ahead of me no doubt to the van my parents insisted that all of us would get into because and I quote. "We can all have more quality time together". "Plus we can use this awesome car!"

The second one was my Ma.

We have hung out as a group with each other's family before.

Like for example we had dinner two nights ago with all of our parents except for Sophie, William, and Delilah's.

Throughout the whole dinner, Principal O'Connor tried to make Delilah confess while Delilah painted the chair Miss O'Connor was sitting in black so it matched the chair. When Principal O'Connor finally noticed. We all just burst out laughing while Delilah kept saying that there was no proof tying it to her.

It was a pretty amazing day. Not for Miss O'Connor but for me to see or just breathe the same air as Delilah.

I do wonder why I haven't met Delilah's parents yet. I'm going to make a note to ask her one day.

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