Chapter 27

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POV: Aaron

"Fuck you need to be quiet," William moaned as his cock pounded in me.

He towered over me as he grabbed my hands and pulled them down on the mattress showing no mercy.

"I'm sorry but it's not easy being quiet when you're facking me this hard," I groaned as I bit my lip.

"Fuck your so good," He praised going impossible faster.

All that could be heard in this room was our grunts and moans As our sweaty flesh touched.

"Please keep going," I moaned matching his pace as he has his other is jerking off my cock.

"Oh this won't end it's your turn soon," He pounded in me. He made a loud sound making me come with him.

"So much for me to keep quiet," I teased with a heavy breath.

He chuckled as he slowly got out of me and yanked the condom out.

"Now please get inside me Blondie," He asked getting down on the floor with his knees opening his beautiful mouth.

I laughed as I got out of bed and stood right in front of him.

"You need to be quiet," I teased as I slammed my now hard cock inside his mouth without any warning. Gagging him slightly.

"Shit this is going to be a long night," I groaned as I grabbed his cheeks pulling him in and out of me.

POV: Mia

I pushed her against the wall as I started tarring off her clothes while nibbling on her neck.

"Can you not? these clothes are expensive," She moaned.

"My flower I'll buy you whatever you want," I panted out finally getting those annoying clothes off her.

I took a step back admiring my beauty.
She looked rosy on her cheeks.

"Don't tell me that you're going all shy on me now," I teased her.

"Shut up," She muttered pushing me onto the bed and taking my clothes off in a hurry as I laughed.

When she raised up I flipped us so that she was now under me.

I started kissing down her neck to her bloom breast. I took one of her nipples in my mouth while massaging the other. I gave it a little tug making her moan out. Before I switch to give the other one the same treatment.

"What do you want me to do flower?" I whispered down her stomach making her hair rise.

She thinks that it's embarrassing to say what she wants out of intimacy. So I have started asking her more because there is nothing she should be embarrassed about.

Especially when she's with me.

"You know what I want," She replied with red cheeks.

"Do remind me again," I asked getting face to face with her clit. She has cute black hair strands almost hiding her mound.

I saw her wetness glistening pulling a smile on my face.

"Miaaaa," She dragged out annoyed and no doubt feeling my hot breath on her clit.

"If you don't want to then I guess there is no reason for me to be down here?" I said about to get up.


I looked up at her not leaving my perfect place.

"You are so annoying" She muttered pulling a grin on my face. "I want your fingers and mouth on my pussy," She rushed out.

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