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"Can't wait to get off this planet, can't even eat because of this helmet," I grumbled holding the food I'd taken at the memorial in my hands

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"Can't wait to get off this planet, can't even eat because of this helmet," I grumbled holding the food I'd taken at the memorial in my hands.

"Let's work on getting off this planet first," Astra joked as we stopped in front of Ambrose's door. As if awaiting our arrival the letter glowed once again and the door began to slide open.

"Come on in guys, I'm just changing my shirt but I should be right out!"

We let ourselves in and I used one of the napkins on Ambrose's desk to lay my food on, whilst Astra looked at things in the office more closely. She used her finger to thumb down the feather he had in a pot of ink on the table.

It was large and dark brown with a black tip, each bristle wide and intricately thin. "Is it just me or does this kind of look like a-

"Interested in my feather Tee? That's a shocker," Ambrose sauntered in, "You always wanted me to get rid of it."

"I was never really fond of it," Astra admitted quietly, her face still pointed at the feather.

"Yeah well, it's one of my favorite things in this office," He picked it up, twirling it between his fingers. "I always thought we should've all gotten one."

I eyed the feather as he raised it more to the light, making bile rise up my throat. He didn't.

"Anyways I called you guys here because I wanted to give you a heads up on our guests that you'll be meeting soon," He clasped his hands together, "I told you this moving to Mars thing was a great idea, Humankind has never been this close to the stars I tell you, this is huge for our people and to think they approached me, Me! For help, you're going to be blown away, Kofi."

"Want to give me any hints?" I suggested, feeling kind of curious about who would have him so excited.

"I called them here an hour ago so they should be on their way-" He got distracted by the treats I was holding in the napkins. "Are these from the memorial thing?" He grabbed the one I was looking forward to the most and threw it in his mouth, "Oh that's good."

Astra stayed quiet, her eyes still trained on the desk. "Oh that's really good," Ambrose moaned, as he went around his desk to take a seat, "I know exactly who'd love this, aye Leo!"

The sound of rushing water was heard and a door that I had previously not known was there opened up to reveal Connie's twin. His eyes narrowed when he saw us, "What are they doing here?" He nearly snarled, looking almost wary of us.

"Relax Leo I called them here," Ambrose turned to us, "Right Kofi."

"Yes Leo, we were invited."

Astra broke her trance to look at the new person in the room, "Hi Leo."

He ignored her, his rage shifting to Ambrose, "We talked about this, why would you bring them here right now?"

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