Chapter six.

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(I do not promote/condone incest relationships,but what type of story doesn't have drama? Someone had to be the villain.)

Prince Evan's POV.

I knew what I was feeling was wrong, but I couldn't stop myself from feeling it. It was like an addiction, a compulsion that I couldn't resist. I knew I was different, that I didn't fit the mold of what my family expected. I felt trapped by my own emotions, with no way to escape.

Accepting that I liked men wasn't an easy part and it sure definitely wasn't easy having to hide myself from my father and others. The attention was all at my brother, he did that himself,yet I knew my father would never make me king. But I do not want the title. I want him. I want to make him mine. But he had to be my brother.

When I realized what I was feeling, I felt disgusted with myself. I had never even heard of someone falling in love with their own brother, and I couldn't believe it was happening to me. But I couldn't deny my feelings, and I was obsessed with him. I fell in love with someone else once, a boy from the palace.

He made me so happy, I thought about introducing him to my parents. But he couldn't handle being hidden, and he left without a trace. I was left broken-hearted, and I felt like a different  person after that. The experience changed me, and I wasn't sure if I would ever be the same again.

I ran to my brother that night and cried in his arms. He didn't ask why, he just held me and comforted me. My heart was racing, but it wasn't out of sadness or grief. It was out of something more. Something I wasn't ready to face or acknowledge. And then things changed. Our relationship shifted in a way I never expected. I just wanted him, wanted more.

Even though I knew my brother was a grown man, I never expected him to be so promiscuous. Every time I caught him in the act, I couldn't help but feel a surge of jealousy. It got to the point where I felt the need to tell our father, accusing my brother of committing infidelity. I felt like I was only good for being my father's errand boy. I agreed to spend time with my brother, thinking it would help, but all he cared about was not becoming king, and I felt like I was being used. I began to question my own sanity.

I was often left feeling anxious and on edge, as I walked the corridors of the palace at night, hearing my brother's moans and the sounds of someone else in his room. My feelings were a confusing mix of jealousy and arousal, and I didn't know what to make of them. I didn't know what to call our relationship, or how to navigate the strange dynamic we had. No one seemed to notice the signs, and no one thought of me as anything more than my brother's younger sibling.

As we returned to the village and began handing out food parcels, I watched as the houses were being built. I had worked out the precise amount of food we would need, and we had brought just enough. Just like my brother had planned, he lounged around while I did all the work. I pretended to enjoy helping, even though deep down I wished I could spend more time with him. If I'm being completely honest, I found him very attractive, and I wanted to be around him for more than just the work we were doing.

Despite being brothers, I can't help but feel something more for him. I noticed the way he reacts around another boy he likes, and I know that he's too scared to admit his feelings. I won't let that happen, even though I know it's wrong. I can't stop myself from feeling this way, even though I know it's not right. I know it's foolish to have these feelings, but they're strong and I can't fight them.

I turn to the guard beside me and ask, "Are we done yet?' My fatigue is clear in my voice. The guard shakes his head, "Not yet sire, but if you're tired, you can go wait in the car."

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