Chapter fourteen.

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(Like I said if edit my chapters they become longer.)

Simon's POV.

My heart thundered in my chest, a tumult of emotions coursing through me. Confusion clouded my thoughts, leaving me uncertain of how to react. He had uttered those three words—words I never imagined he would say to me. Yet, before I could process their significance, he had darted out of the room, seemingly oblivious to the profound impact he had just made. The pain of not reciprocating his confession weighed heavily upon me. Frozen in place, I stood there, haunted by the lingering echo of his voice and the bittersweet realization of what could have been.

A thunderous knock shook me from my reverie. I had been preoccupied with tidying up my room, trying to restore a semblance of order amidst the chaos that now filled my mind. The maid who burst in was a whirlwind of activity, her arms laden with decorations that seemed to multiply with every step.

"We need your help in the throne room," she announced breathlessly, her words cutting through the silence that had enveloped me.

Perplexed, I inquired, "What's the matter? What's the occasion?" It was highly unusual for a maid to seek out a servant for assistance, and I knew that whatever awaited me in the throne room must be of great importance.

"The King has instructed us to prepare for the Prince's engagement," she hurriedly explained. "He wants them to marry on his coming of age. There's no time to waste—we need all hands on deck. Please, go to the throne room and do what you can to help. The guest list may not be extensive, but we must prepare enough food to accommodate any unexpected arrivals." With that, she was gone, leaving me to process the weight of her words and the task ahead.

The scene that greeted me in the throne room was one of utter chaos. For a moment, I stood there, uncertain of where to begin. But then I straightened my spine, steeled my resolve, and reminded myself that I was capable of handling this. I began barking out orders, delegating tasks with a sense of urgency.

"Three maids will remain here to prepare the throne room. The rest of you, find new posts," I commanded, my voice cutting through the mayhem. "You two, check on the Prince and the Princess. Ensure they are ready. And remember, stay focused!" My gaze swept over the assembled servants. "The rest of you, to the kitchen. We have little time to waste. Move!"

As everyone dispersed to carry out their assigned tasks, the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on my heart. Here I was, a mere servant, overseeing the preparations for an engagement between a Prince and a Princess—the very Prince for whom I harbored the deepest of feelings. Yet, our fates were pulling us in opposite directions, the chasm between us ever widening. It was a pain that seared through me, yet I knew that the Princess deserved this more than I ever could.

Lost in my thoughts, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. "Simon," a maid spoke, her voice laced with concern. "The Prince is asking for you. He won't let anyone else assist him, and he's struggling."

I didn't want to go to him, didn't want to face the reality of our situation. But I knew that I had to put my own feelings aside, no matter how much it hurt. In the grand scheme of things, my emotions were insignificant.

Just as I headed into the Prince's chambers, he emerged from the bathroom, his eyes searching until they landed on me. "Oh, there you are," he exclaimed, a hint of relief in his voice as he made his way towards me, arms outstretched for a hug.

His appearance was disheveled, his clothes a mess and his hair unkempt. The floor was littered with his discarded clothing, a testament to his turmoil. His eyes bore the signs of exhaustion, a weariness that spoke of a soul on the brink of surrender.

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