Chapter sixteen.

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Prince Evan's POV.

Prince Adar, bags packed and ready to depart, addressed me with a hint of concern in his voice. "I know you weren't present at the meeting, so allow me to fill you in," he began. "I don't want you to feel like an outsider in your own home." As he spoke, maids bustled around us, efficiently gathering his luggage, the flurry of activity accentuating the weight of his words.

"The Prince, your brother, has called off the wedding," Adar continued, his gaze meeting mine as he settled onto the couch next to my bed. "Both parties agreed, so no one was harmed in the process. As a result, my sister and I are leaving, since the wedding ceremony will no longer take place." His words hung heavy in the air, and I couldn't help but wonder what this would mean for us—if there was even an "us" to begin with.

As Prince Adar's words sank in, a lump formed in my throat, choking off the words I so desperately wanted to say. The thought of him leaving left me feeling hollow, as if a piece of me was being torn away. His presence had become a balm for my anguish, a distraction from the pain that had once consumed me. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, I found myself not dwelling on my brother, but instead, being captivated by the man before me. Adar made me feel different, a sensation I wasn't quite ready to lose.

Prince Adar, visibly growing more impatient, glanced down at his watch. "What's wrong?" he prodded, his tone urging me to speak my mind quickly. "If you have something to say, do it now. We're leaving in just half an hour." The pressure to voice my thoughts and feelings mounted as I struggled to find the right words before time ran out.

"I don't want you to leave," I blurted out, unable to hold back my desperation any longer.

Adar let out a soft chuckle, seemingly amused by my sudden outburst. "So you still want to sleep with me, only to pretend it never happened the next day?" he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement and a hint of disappointment. "I can't speak for you, Evan, but I'm not interested in just a fleeting fling." With that, he stood up and adjusted his attire, preparing to depart.

In a panic, I rushed to the door, my heart racing as I desperately tried to prevent his departure. The thought of losing him, after he had awakened feelings I never thought possible, was unbearable. Determined to make him understand, I gripped his collar and pulled him closer.

"I don't want to play games either, Prince Adar," I said, my voice pleading. "I want you. Can't you stay just a little longer? Give me a chance to figure out if my father would accept a relationship like ours." I prayed he would hear the sincerity in my words and reconsider his decision to leave.

"Evan," he pleaded, his hand still wrapped around the doorknob behind me. His voice was filled with a mixture of emotions—longing, doubt, and uncertainty.

"Please," I begged one last time, my lips gently brushing against his in a tender, fleeting kiss. I could only hope that my affection would reach him and persuade him to stay, if only for a little while longer.

With a resigned sigh, Prince Adar relented. "Fine," he said. "Let me inform my sister of the change in plans. But remember, this is temporary. If nothing changes by the time the Prince comes of age, I must leave." He gently pushed me aside and made his exit, leaving me alone in my room.

As the door clicked shut, an exhilarating wave of joy washed over me. Despite the uncertainty of the situation, I couldn't help but feel a surge of hope that we might find a way to make our unconventional relationship work.

Prince Melus' POV.

I was filled with happiness as I paced in my room, ready to share the news with Simon. However, a nagging thought suddenly crossed my mind—I had yet to inform my father about my involvement with a servant. The memory of how nerve-wracking it had been to tell him that Camilla and I didn't want to get married came flooding back. Kneeling before him with the entire royal court against us had been terrifying, but my father had been understanding, even if he was somewhat harsh in his response.

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